caught the Cheating bastard(second wife revealed)

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Layla's POV
Layla:you are insane,my husband will never cheat me,I don't even know why I came here.I never want to see you again.I don't care if I get imprisoned.It will be way better than being around a lying bastard like yourself.

(I walked off angrily.I went back to the hospital.Two weeks later Ali was healed.I couldn't help but think about what ceasar said.Ceaser is a liar,I shouldn't be listening to him)

But I couldn't help it.Ali had often been acting nervous around me.I am a therapist not an expert,but it was obvious that he was hiding something.

I never gave much attention to it, because he was always home and spending time with me,so how then can he find time to cheat on me.

I shouldn't be doubting him,he is my husband for goodness sake.His phone started ringing,I was about to pick it when he rushed in and grabbed it.

Ali:I will get it(he said nervously and left.I had noticed that he had always been secretive with his phone.I came out and found him speaking to someone.He immediately hanged up when he saw me)

Layla:who were you talking to?
Ali:umm hikimah,I was asking her about her trip.She said binta isn't feeling well,so am going there to make sure she is okay.

Layla: okay.
(Why did I feel as if he was lying to me? Ceasar has corrupted my mind,how can I doubt my husband.All these suspicious behaviors were just my mind playing games.)

Soon Ali left and I was all alone.The next day ,I received a shocking package.I immediately left and got myself a ticket.

On the train I was burning inside.I was sent  wedding pictures of Ali and hikimah.Tears blurred my vision.I thought it was a trick until I received another picture of Ali entering the hotel room with a hikimah.They lied to me,he wasn't his sister but his wife.

I couldn't see her face but Ali was wearing the same clothes he wore when he left.I immediately reached the hotel room.

I didn't bother to knock and budged in.I was surprised by the scene.It was hikimah and Ali naked in bed.

They froze when they saw me.
Ali: Layla!I can explain!
(They were panicking and Ali was screaming on top of his lungs, desperately trying to reason with me)

But I didn't hear anything.My whole body froze,I was in the state of shock.I slowly walked out of the room.

I could barely walk as I tumbled,nearly falling.But someone caught me.It was ceasar.

Layla:you were right.Are you happy now?
Ceasar:never,I needed you to see it for yourself.I couldn't stand still and let them cheat you.I don't care if I don't get to be with you,all I care about is how you feel.

Layla:I don't feel good ceasar,I want to die(I burst into uncontrollable tears)
Ceasar: don't say that.come with me,I need to get you away from them.
Layla:get me out of here.(I blacked out, and all I remembered is him carrying me away.)

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