family pressure (mental breakdown)

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Layla's POV
Layla: mother?(I said with tears in my eyes,she looked away with tears in hers)
Jalil: and why are you calling her! You better beg your husband this instant,then maybe Allah will forgive you.

(I couldn't help the silent tears.My life was a disgrace.I tried to fight against society and now look at me.I looked up at Ali and put my hands together.What did I have to live for?)

Taufic:no! This is not Islam, this is oppression.Dear get up , don't mind your father.
Jalil: that's enough jalil! don't meddle.
Taufic: can't you see your daughter is suffering?she hit him out of anger,yes she was wrong but can you blame her? Her husband betrayed her, and you guys are trying to ignore it because polygamy is allowed.Well you still hurt her.Dont you care about her? Samira.

(He turned to my mom,who was silently crying.)
Wahab: that's enough taufic, she has committed the greatest sin a woman can commit against her husband, she needs to beg him.

Taufic:where in the Quran does it say, she has to fall at his feet? We are only to fall at Allah's feet.and you (he turned to Ali) mighty forward,you caused all this yet she is at your feet being forced to beg you.You dare stand there like the coward you are!

Wahab:he is not a coward, and stop defending dinner,she must beg.
Ali:no!(Ali pulled me up.My oldest uncle had just finished praying.He looked at me so calmly as if there was nothing happening.)

Ali: she doesn't need to beg me,I should be begging her, forgive me Layla.
Layla:then divorce me.
Ali:I can't.
Layla: then I will never forgive you.

Latifa:look at you, your husband has chosen to forgive you yet you can't forgive him?
Ali:stop it mother.
Latifa:no,mind you,her sin is way bigger than yours.She can even end up in hell! She should be glad that you have forgiven her,yet here she is showing attitude.

(I had lost all hope.I felt deserted.I just walked out of the house and wandered off to the center of the compound close to the mosque.It had started raining.I just stood in the rain and cried.I couldn't help but scream)

(*Literally crying as am writing this part*)
Layla:Allah!!! Why have forsaken me!what did I do to deserve this! All I did was worship you,all I asked for was love but instead you caused me pain! Why Allah!why me!I have lost all faith in you! Because you have allowed them to hurt us! You allowed him to cheat me yet all I did was pray to ya Allah,all I did was worship.

Aw, Allah my heart is breaking ya Allah,I can't help this pain ,ya Allah why!(I screamed) WHY! Please ya Allah (I knelt down in the rain and begged) please tell me this is a nightmare ya Allah because am losing all faith in you!I beg you us Allah.please.

(*Am not joking,am literally crying right now,women suffer alot, and it's not easy,but inshallah we will pull through*)

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