Trying to stay for Allah's sake

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Layla's POV
Nasir: Allah is watching you,he knows your pain, because he is the one who created you.He is just waiting for you to have faith in him , that's all.

Why do you think he tests us? He wants to see how loyal we are to him and how much you trust him? He in a way used you to help another woman get married and become a mother.

If it wasn't for her marrying your husband, she would have remained single all her life.Dont think your pain has gone in vain, because Allah has used you to help another, and he will most definitely reward you immensely because it isn't easy for you.

He is going to turn that pain into something bigger,if not on Earth then in paradise.It is just up to you to have faith in you.

Your husband betrayed you,he caused you pain ,he hurt you alot and you have every right to be angry and hurt,but why then do you doubt Allah?

He allowed polygamy for a good reason,but it still hurts,but that's life,you are not going to have it easy,all he wants is for you to still have faith in him, during all adversity.

He just wants you to trust in him, and he will definitely deliver from this pain, because you decided to have faith in him and believed in him.
If not on Earth than paradise.

He is testing you,if you are able to past this test,things are going to get better, just have faith in him.

Layla: it's hard.
Taufic: nobody said it was easy, just have faith in Allah.

(I took a deep breath.They were right)
Taufic: come dear,you will get sick.
(We came inside)
Nasir:no matter what don't loose faith, Allah loves you, and when you have faith ,you will realize it in no time.

Layla: okay uncle
Nasir:one more thing,it is a sin to harm one's self.Allah doesn't like that,if you are not happy you can leave, Allah will understand.

Layla:but if I leave won't I fail the test?
Nasir:no because you are doing what's best for you.Allah wants nothing but the best for us, and if you know staying will harm you, the don't do it.Allah is merciful, understanding and kind.He will never force his servant to do something they cannot.So if you know you can't stay, Allah will never force you, because he knows you can't.

Layla:he is very confusing.
Nasir: that's Allah.He isn't cruel, remember that and have faith.
Layla: okay (I hugged my uncle's as they left.My parents came to me)

Jalil: it's good your uncle spoke some sense to you, it's better you stay in the marraige and learn to adapt.Its not easy but with Allah everything is possible.

Layla:why didn't you start off with this attitude?huh?(they remained silent) but it's okay,I was a sinner after all.Am willing to stay for Allah's sake.

(They both looked at me puzzled.They knew I was trying to put on a strong facade).

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