
210 11 4

1: Mrs Yoon is here. I heard that he have 2 P.A

2: 1 is Kwon Soonyoung, second is not known.

Door open. All stand. Jihoon and Wonwoo came. All bow. Both sat on main chair and nod. All sat. In some moments again door open. Joshua came with his P.A. No one stand. 2 big CEO look at them. Mingyu also came. All stand and bow. Joshua sat. Mingyu and Hoshi behind him. All normal CEOs shocked. Mr Kim is P.A! 

Jihoon: Mrs Yoon is going to take over Mr Yoon's company. Any objection?

3: Mr Lee. Mrs Yoon don't have experience in business. How can we make him CEO of such big company.

Hoshi: He used to be his companies owner.

4: That's the point. Used to. Is not now.

Wonwoo: What should we do?

1: Voting Mr Jeon. 

Joshua whisper to Mingyu.

Mingyu: Mrs Yoon is ready.

Jihoon: We are doing it.

Jihoon's P.A click a button. Table shift. Green and red buttons came up.

Joshua: But I need to talk something out.

Wonwoo: Business is also politics. You can.

Joshua: As you Mr Yoon is in jail, can you please all-

3: Don't make us feel pity Mrs Yoon. This is business. ( smirk)

Other laugh except few. 

Joshua: Okay. Let's do it. ( stand) I want you all to press buttons with lot's of thinking.

4: Are you threating us Mrs Yoon?

Joshua: No. Just telling you all to be careful. You all know I am very interested in books.

1: So?

Joshua: I recently read a book. This book also have sequel. 3.

Hoshi: His old style. ( whisper)

Mingyu: Told you. His blood have business.


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