Chapter 3:Important Announcement

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Rosie POV

I get free after 9pm from hospital. I went near my bike and was about to start but suddenly my phone rang. I pick up without looking and put on speaker.

"Hello, may I know whom to am I speaking with?", I said while adjusting my helmet.

"YOU BITCH HOW DARE YOU FORGET ME AND WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU COME BACK!", my dumbo shouted through phone blasting my ears.

" Ok fine cool down Sophie, I know you are angry with me. I am sorry." I said with my most pleaded voice.

"This won't forgive you woman." She said with a strict voice.

"So what do you want me to do for cooling you down?" I said with my sweetest voice.

"Bring your damn ass to my home for meeting. RIGHT NOW!"
"That's not possible there is an important meeting at my home today. Dad is going to tell us something." I said while sitting on the bike.

"No worries I am coming to you house then. There are many solutions."
"Ok do you want me to pick you up."
"No way I don't want to die early. You ride bike very fast. I will come in my car."
"Ok bye." I said while chuckling.  She hang up the phone.

At home
I reached home at 9:45pm. Pipi was dancing around seeing me back home. My dad is sitting on sofa, when I came near he noticed me.
"You are 15 minutes late." He said with strict voice.

"Dad I saw some street dogs so I give them food." I said."Oh I thought you were with some boy." He said with a mischief voice.

"Dad come on, you know me. I am not interested in any boy right now." I said with angry voice.

"Don't worry about it I will find you a very nice husband. If you have any right now, tell me." Again this topic I really hate it.

"Dad choose what ever boy you like and don't talk to me about his topic." I said with irritating voice.

"Fine, let's eat food." We all ate food quietly as we don't have any topic to talk about.
After eating food we sat on sofa.  Suddenly the door bell rang.

"I guess my bitch is here." I said under my breath but as it was silence every one here it.

"ROSLIE WHITE." Mom said with threatening voice."Oops sorry hitler." I quickly ran to door and open it. Sophie jumped on me and I fall down on ground. She hugged me while I giggled.

"Girls come on." Freddie said while chuckling.

"Oh hello bro. Hello aunty. Hello uncle." My parents smiled at her.

"Come dear take a seat." Mom sead while gesturing with hand.
"Thanks aunty." She said with sweet voice. Bitch never talk to me like this. Very sweetly.

My dad cleared his throut and said," Well. Tomorrow every I am going to give my company to Freddie. I have organized a party in Tulip hotel. I have invited everyone. So I want you guys to get up early in morning. Around 8am and get ready by 9am and Rosie you are going to come in car not bike."

"But Dad please." I said in pleading voice."No I don't want you to come with Freddie in car. I don't want you to ruin your dress while sitting on bike. And girls please wear something not reveal stuff. Especially Rosie."
I usually wear short dress to parties so yeah my dad and Freddie got angry because men tear my clothes in their eyes.

"No need to worry Dad." I said with confident voice.

"Sophie I have invited Walker family so you also wear something nice." My dad said with strict voice because according to him I spoiled her. But that's not true.

"Don't worry uncle. Rosie and I won't choose dress for each other." Sophie said while looking at me. She has an mischief look. I can smell something wrong but don't know what it is.

"Ok so good night everyone. Sophie do you want Rosie to drop you?" Dad said while getting up.

"No uncle I have brought my car." Sophie said while heading out.

Every one went to their room. I went to kitchen and ate one spoon of butterscotch icecream and went to my room. I texted Sophie if she has reached her home or not. Thankfully she replied after half an hour either I thought if somebody has kidnapped her. She can't have a accident, she drive very slowly.

I did my night routine and sleep overcome me.

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