2) The Warm Support

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Emily entered Aurora's room, "Look, buddy. Grabbed all of your favourite family pictures, your mom said you should take them along." 

Aurora, visibly annoyed, was trying to stuff a box with her belongings, "Damn it! This stupid box WON'T CLOSE!" 

Emily rolled her eyes, "Well if you organize it and then try to close it, won't it help? Here, let me take over." 

"Ugh! Fine!" 

"Auroraaaa, I understand the emotions you are currently dealing with, but trust me, being grumpy won't help either." 

"How could I not? I am suddenly leaving my happy life behind and going into a place I have no idea about." 

"Weren't we all doing that when we go to university?"

"I know, but this is all too quick. I wasn't prepared for it." 

"Yeah, but isn't that how life is? Many things happen unexpectedly." 

Aurora let out a sigh, "I- I am going to miss everyone."

Emily smiled and hugged her, "We will miss you too. But listen, you are stepping out of your comfort zone and going towards success. When you get through this, it will all be worth it in the end. Just imagine the new opportunities that will open up after you graduate from Crestwood Heights. Now come on, cheer up your nerd ass!" 

Aurora chuckled. 

Emily points towards her expression, "See, that's what I am talking about. Now, let's finish packing. Hurry!" 

Aurora started helping Emily. 

Emily looked at her and smirked, "By the wayyyy, there will be cute guys there. I am jealous." 

"Ewwww", a manly voice came from behind. It was Aurora's older brother, Adam. "She and dating guys. Ugh", he gaged. 

Adam was older than Aurora by five years, currently studying at university and was in the state basketball team. He was tall, around 6'2, with the same jet-black hair as Aurora set in a slick back style, but his skin tone was tanner. Aurora did agree he was handsome.

"Thanks for the input, bro, but no one asked for it", Aurora said, visibly annoyed. 

"No problem, princess" Adam winked.

Emily blushed at Adam's reaction. "Bitch, stop crushing over my brother", Aurora whispered.

"What to do? He's hot", Emily whispered back. Now, Aurora gagged in response. 

"Yeah, but what Adam is saying is true. I have no room for dating guys in my life, Emily. I find it useless and girly." 

"Oh, come onnnn. WE are 17, and I can't believe you have never dated a single guy. You never even got laid yet!" Emily complained. 

Both Adam and Aurora gaged at the same time. 

"The day she gets a guy, I will shave my head", Adam laughed. 

"Says the guy who brings a new girl home every week", Aurora snapped back. 

"Hey, what now? Anyways, are you guys done with the packing?" 

"Yep, done effortlessly because of Emily's help", she smiled, and Emily smiled back. 

Aurora got up and hugged Adam, "I am gonna miss you, idiot." 

"Me too, princess", he hugged her back, "Can't believe my girl is already big and independent, leaving the house and living by herself." 

"Awwww", Emily swayed her body. 

"Cringe", Adam and Aurora reacted the same way simultaneously. 

Everyone started giggling. 

"Let's gooo! Crestwood Heights Academy, here I come!" Aurora clapped.

Author's Note: Aurora's got her wonderful family support, how sweet. But, hmm, will it be enough to tackle her future challenges? 

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