The Switch

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"Shouldn't we be pulling them over, for being on their phones?" Nolan asks as multiple cars pass by with drivers on their phones.

"All of them? We'll be writing 23120 all day long" Brooke huffs.

"You tried to slip that past me. 23123 is the hands-free vehicle code." Nolan grins.

"Correct. So, what's 23120?" Brooke asks, smirking.

"Driving while flossing?" Nolan guesses.

""No driver shall operate a motor vehicle while wearing glasses having a temple width of 1/2" or more if any part of said temple extends below the horizontal center of the lens so as to interfere with lateral vision."" Brooke recites.

"Yeah, that's what - actually what I meant." Nolan responds.

"Where's your rook book?" Brooke inquires.

"In my locker. It weighs four pounds. I was told I'd be fired if I lost it." Nolan answers.

"you would be" Brooke nods. "but you should keep it with you at all times, never know when you have a few free seconds to study"

"I study, every night." Nolan promises.

"you can only study up to two hours every night" Brooke responds.

"what?" Nolan asks.

"well, assuming you and Lucy still have that thing going on, then she at least takes up three or so hours of your time, and then an hour for dinner, and since you get home around six, it's already ten pm and the only way to get the proper eight hours of sleep would be if you went to bed at midnight at the latest, so that only allots two hours for studying" Brooke reviews.

"you sound like you're speaking from personal experience" Nolan smirks.

"my rook book was like my bible" Brooke giggles. "I never put that thing down."

"and Bradford was okay with that?" Nolan inquires.

"as long as I studied quietly, he didn't care" Brooke shrugs.

"7-Adam-18, armed robbery in progress. 3577 Olvera." Dispatch says over the radio.

"Here we go." Nolan sighs and Brooke turns on the sirens and drives them to the address.

They pull up behind a truck who has an open door open. There's a guard lying face down on the sidewalk and two masked men running away. One of them trips over the guard and falls over.

"Get down! Get down! Flat on the ground. Face down." Nolan orders.

Brooke runs over and cuffs him. "you get the runner"

Nolan runs off and reappears with another man who gets down on one knee and proposes to the man Brooke arrested.

"I love you, Bo Sokolovsky. And I have since the moment that you hit on me at the zoo. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you, starting in two to five years. Will you marry me?" The man asks.

"Hell, yeah." Bo answers.

The small crowd around them cheers and Brooke unlocks one of Bo's cuffs so the man can put the ring on Bo's finger.

"It's awesome." Bo grins and the two men hug.

Nolan cuffs the man while Brooke removes the ring and puts it in the evidence bag.

"sorry, we need that" Brooke says as she recuffs Bo.

[Time Skip]

"come on, it's switch day, can't I be TO?" Talia practically begs.

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