Plain Clothes Day

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"oh my god! you're having a baby!" Nolan practically squeals.

"yeah" Brooke smiles, looking down at her bloated belly.

She's not actually showing yet but she is bloated, thanks to stupid pregnancy hormones. 

"when's your first appointment?" Nolan asks.

"after work tomorrow" Brooke answers. 

"and I'm guessing no one knows?" Nolan clarifies.

"actually, Sergeant Grey, Angela, and Luna already know" Brooke responds.

"and Sergeant Grey is cool with it?" Nolan inquires.

"apparently he already knew Tim and I were together and he's ecstatic" Brooke answers.

"I have never seen him "ecstatic" before" Nolan remarks.

"well you gotta get to know him better" Brooke giggles. 

"just like how I have to get to know Officer Bradford better?" Nolan teases.

"exactly" Brooke nods.

"can I tell Lucy?" Nolan asks.

"you can tell Lucy but no one else, got it?" Brooke instructs.

"done" Nolan nods.

[Time Skip]

"the hell?" Brooke comments as they get out of their car and see a helicopter which seems to have landed partly on a car.

Both people are out of their vehicles and are arguing.

"He swooped in like a bat out of hell and crashed into my car." Krissy says.

"You hit me." Dale argues.

"Whoa, whoa. Let's just start at the beginning, starting with you." Nolan instructs, pointing at Dale.

"I had engine trouble. And if I wasn't such a good pilot, I would've crashed instead of making a controlled emergency landing, so I deserve a little more gratitude than attitude." Dale explains.

"Sir, can you step over here, please?" Brooke requests. "those are bullet holes on your copter"

"What? No, those are, uh, those are bird strikes." Dale lies.

"sir, unless there's an elusive tiny bullet shaped bird that can fly over 1,000 mph, I have to assume you're lying" Brooke says.

"Is that why you had engine trouble, sir? Because someone was shooting at you?" Nolan asks.

"Why would anyone do that?" Dale asks.

"sir, don't bullshit me" Brooke sighs, putting her hands on her hips and keeping an eye on Dale while Nolan looks into the helicopter cargo area.

"Control, 7-Adam-18, check in with OCPD and see if they have a 211 at Orange County Savings and Loan." Nolan says over the radio.

"7-Adam-18, be advised the bank was robbed an hour ago. Suspect escaped in a blue helicopter." Dispatch responds.

Brooke raises an eyebrow at the man, who resigns himself.

"So, hands behind my head, then?" The man sighs.

"Yep. Hands behind your head." Nolan nods.

[Time Skip]

"whatcha doing?" Brooke giggles, looking over Tim's shoulder to see him on Amazon looking at cribs.

"we have to be prepared" Tim insists.

"we don't even know the gender" Brooke laughs.

"so? no matter the gender, they'll want this Rams crib" Tim responds.

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