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Brooke did not have a fun night.

Like at all.

Finding out that they're having twins was a shock but it didn't change anything, not really, except Tim started really considering moving in with her.

It all just got a lot more real when their doctor felt two heart beats.

It seems it also got a lot more real for her body because every five minutes Brooke was either kicking off blankets or huddling up under them. Ever hour or so her stomach would wake Brooke up and Tim with her. She spent most of the nights shivering on the bathroom floor as she vomits. 

And if she's not either too cold or too hot or vomiting, her head is pounding. She feels like she has the flu though Tim insists over and over again that she's not running a fever. 

Then, Tim made the mistake of turning on the TV to try and distract Brooke.

Brooke cried over a cute puppy for a solid twenty minutes. 

So, when Brooke finally, finally fell asleep at three am, it was bliss.

No matter how restless the sleep, Brooke was happy.

But then, only two hours (though it felt like two minutes) later, Tim was begrudgingly waking up his pregnant girlfriend.

"baby, princess, sweetheart, light of my life" Tim murmurs into her ear. "I'm so sorry, love, but it's time for work"

"no" Brooke whines.

"I know, I know" Tim soothes. "but we gotta get up now"

"I don't wanna" Brooke complains. 

"I can make your special pancakes" Tim offers.

"no" Brooke shakes her head, pouting.

"I can make your special eggs" Tim guesses.

"uh uh" Brooke buries herself further into the pillows.

"you want your special fruit salad?" Tim tries.

Brooke is quiet. "w-with a lot of pineapple?"

"so much pineapple" Tim promise.

"okay" Brooke grumbles, letting Tim help her out of bed.

[Time Skip]

Brooke sits next to Tim as they watch the "recruitment video" the rookies filmed.

"Good morning, Officer Nolan. Ready for another exciting day out on the streets of Los Angeles?" Jackson asks.

"Yep. Coffee?" Nolan questions.

Brooke bites her lip, all of them are terrible at acting.

"No, thanks, I get all the rush I need from making this beautiful city of ours safer every single day." Jackson says, making Brooke cringe.

Lucy enters the shot.

"And you will too if you join the LADP. I mean PD." Lucy says.

"Cut! Go again." The director orders. 

"And you will too - Um, I'm sorry. What do I say again?" Lucy asks, struggling.

"Cut!" The director calls.

"LAPD." Nolan and Jackson correct.

"Action." The director says.

"I do too. And so will you if - as well if you join the LA ..." Lucy says.

"Cut!" The director sighs.

"I need to spit out my gum." Nolan murmurs.

"Action." The director says.

The Lil' Training OfficerWhere stories live. Discover now