The Hawke

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"hey, how was your date with Tasha?" Brooke asks, hopping over to Tim.

"fine" Tim answers, flatly, before walking away.

Brooke frowns, watching him go.

"what'd you do to get him to give you the cold shoulder?" Angela asks.

"I don't know" Brooke murmurs. "maybe he's just in a bad move"

[Time Skip]

"I've never seen him like that. He's usually so confident, so self-assured, so -" Nolan is talking about Hawke, one of his teachers at the Academy.

"arrogant" Talia finishes.

"he wasn't that bad" Brooke butts in.

"You know he's living in a motel now?" Nolan asks.

"That's what happens when you try to be big policeman at home. You end up on the couch. Tim rode with Hawke back in the day." Talia shrugs.

"Damn straight. Craziest six months of my life." Tim answers.

"him and Nolan hung out last night" Brooke explains, but Tim doesn't even glance at her.

"Hawke and Nolan?" Angela asks.

"Oh, yeah. They were tight at the Academy. They bonded over their shared love of old stuff." Lucy explains.

"The Beastie Boys isn't old." Nolan frowns.

"they were formed before I was born" Brooke retorts.

"All right, everyone take a seat. Got some catching up to do. Let's go. First, let's congratulate Officer Chen for allowing her T.O. to finish his coffee before rolling their vehicle." Grey enters, starting roll call.

Brooke's eyebrows furrow when Tim claps and laughs.

"I see "training" is working out for you. All right, more pressingly, midnight shift was flooded with calls last night, and they left us with their mess. Let's get started. Our detectives are working a homicide in Larchmont Village, but there are witnesses that still need to be interviewed. Dockery and Nolan, you'll take that. And Burglary has got a search warrant that Patrol didn't get around to. Bradford and Chen, you'll take that." Grey assigns.

"Come on, why can't Burglary serve their own damn warrants?" Tim complains.

"Because they don't have the vim and vigor you have, Officer Bradford. This is yours. All the faces. Don't worry. I have pending calls for everybody! All right, let's go knock 'em out and show the late shift how real police work is done." Grey dismisses them.

"did you see that?" Brooke asks Nolan, walking with him down to the garage.

"I don't know, I can't get Hawke out of my head" Nolan shrugs.

"Tim gave me the cold shoulder this morning but he was laughing and joking around during roll call" Brooke replies.

"Hawke was just so... defeated, and self-deprecating, kept making all of these jokes" Nolan sighs.

"I know I pushed him to go out with Tasha but could it have really been that bad?" Brooke continues.

"I know that being married to a cop is hard, but surely him and his wife can figure it out, it just doesn't seem right" Nolan says.

"maybe it's me, maybe it went super well with Tasha and Tim doesn't feel a need to talk to me anymore because now he has Tasha" Brooke hypothesizes.

"divorce can be really hard, I know that personally, but our divorce was mutual and I can tell Hawke is still hung up on his divorce" Nolan adds.

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