Chapter 1

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CONTENT/TRIGGER WARNING: Through out this story there will be occasional mentions and/or descriptions of torture, assault, sexual assault, suicidal thoughts, and graphic violence.


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Fairy Tail, all rights belong to Hiro Mashima. I only own concepts and characters that are not originally found in Fairy Tail.

Notes: I have this fic posted on AO3 and as well. The picture is how Acevea looks currently. You can find my story update/story work schedule on my profile.

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Small, fragile and terrified, those were the only three words Jellal could use to describe the child trembling in front of him, sat on a medical bed covered in bandages. He came to this town when the Magic Council received word that a couple knights had discovered the magic guild of this town, Fire Crest, had been committing crimes. The knights only discovered this after rushing into the guild hall when they heard the screams of a child coming from the basement of the guild.

That child is the frightened little girl that stares up at Jellal now. The child's name and age remain a mystery because the Guild Master had murdered much of his own guild while the remaining either killed themselves or fled. The Guild Master himself managed to escape and flee. The child herself hasn't said a word to anyone, not that Jellal blames her.

The people that were supposed to protect her did no such thing...not to mention no one knows who her parents are or where they are, if they were members of the guild or not.

In an attempt to ease the little girl's fear Jellal sits down on the bed and looks away from her, at the flower on the bedside table, a white rose. "Do you like flowers?" He asks her softly. When he doesn't hear a verbal response, he turns to her, and she nods. The doctor did say there was damage to her vocal cords from how much she was screaming.

"Are roses your favorite?" Jellal asks her and she looks over at the flower. "Are white roses your favorite?" Jellal amends and the little girl nods, slowly turning her gaze back to him. "My name is Seigrain, I'm a member of the magic council. I won't hurt you." Jellal tells her, giving her his false name.

The little one frowns at him and her orange eyes meet his and, in an instant, it feels as if this tiny child sees right through him and knows he's lying. She couldn't possibly. But those eyes, the knowing look this small child is giving him. But her gaze shoots over to the door at the sound of movement right outside it and she tucks herself back into the corner of the bed.

"It's alright, no one else will come in. The doctor and nurses will knock and announce themselves before they do." Jellal tells her, keeping his voice calm and level. Frightened orange eyes flick to him, looking for reassurance. "I promise you, little one, you're safe here. The people who hurt you, they won't hurt you again."

After a few more minutes and a few more glances at the unmoving door she begins to relax, and her gaze returns to Jellal. She uncurls herself from the blankets she was using as a "shield" and moves closer to Jellal. He doesn't move or saying anything, so he doesn't scare her.

The doctor and nurses have said she hasn't said a word to anybody and screams when anyone else other than the doctor even tries to touch her. According to the doctor, this little girl was tortured, whipped and cut and those lashes and cuts on her back and arms are what the bandages currently hide.

The little one glances up at Jellal and studies his face for a few moments before moving closer, almost in his lap. She reaches up and with a gentle touch places the tips of her fingers on the mark over his right eye.

"I've had that for as long as I can remember." Jellal tells her. She nods to herself, coming to some decision only she knows about. She moves right into his lap and for a moment Jellal is beyond shocked, but he quickly recovers and wraps his arms around the little girl but is mindful of her injuries.

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