Chapter 9

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Two days later Acevea is reminding everyone that despite her high intellect, she's still just a ten-year-old child who doesn't like being confined to a bed. "Mama, I want to go play." Acevea whines, staring out the window.

Erza ruffles her hair as she puts a sandwich in Acevea's hands. "I know but the doctor said none of that until your fever is gone."

"Why can't Gray make it go away? He's an ice-wizard." Acevea pouts then begins eating her sandwich.

"Gray went on a job with Natsu and Lucy, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to help when he gets home." Erza replies, slightly amused by Acevea's complaining. Of course she hates that Acevea is sick at all, but her attitude is similar to Natsu's when he's sick or bored.

"Can we go to the guild hall at least? I don't wanna stay in bed." Acevea frowns, her gaze meeting Erza's.

"Alright, but we'll just be sitting at a table, no running around." Erza helps Acevea out of bed.

"Okay!" Acevea agrees as she sits in front of the mirror and hands Erza her hair brush. Erza happily brushes out Acevea's hair then ties the ribbon in it.

Acevea takes Erza's hand as they leave the dormitory. Making their way to the guild hall Acevea is busy looking around at all the people and buildings. Erza watches her take in the sights of her new home, though she's not sure Acevea sees this as home yet.

"Papa used to hold my hand as tight as you are." Acevea looks up at Erza. "You don't have to worry mama, nobody is gonna hurt me while you're here. And even when you're not here Uncle Natsu wouldn't let no one hurt me either." Acevea reassures her. "Also, the Fire Crest Guild master can't hurt me anymore either." Acevea adds before looking down at the ground and hoping from stone to stone.

"Did he get arrested?" Erza asks.

"No, but he showed up at home to try to hurt me, but Papa didn't let him. Papa went outside and then came back a little bit later and promised that man can't hurt me anymore." Acevea explains. Erza knows exactly what Jellal did and she would have done the exact same thing.

"You're not scared are you, Ace?"

"Hmm, no not really. I know it's okay to be scared, Papa taught me that, but I know that I have lots of people around to protect me. You, Big Brother Leo, Uncle Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Gramps, and the rest of Fairy Tail. I know there are still people out there who want to hurt me, but they won't be able to." Acevea answers, squeezing Erza's hand. "I miss Papa, I want him to be here because it feels wrong that he's not here. Papa's my favorite person, but I have family still. I am still loved and safe." Acevea's voice gets quieter.

"I miss him too and you're right, Ace, you're surrounded by people who love you and will do anything and everything to keep you safe." The way Jellal was raising her and the things he was teaching her...he was an excellent father. Erza just hopes she doesn't mess up and can raise Acevea in a way that Jellal would approve of.

"Mama, how do you think Papa got away with everything in the first place?" Acevea asks. "Because papa is a horrible liar." Erza bursts out laughing.

"He is, isn't he?" Erza ruffles Acevea's hair. "Well, the council didn't know him as well as you and I did, and your father had help. He even fooled me for years."

"I don't think so. I think you knew deep down but didn't want to believe that Papa had become the person he had." Acevea replies. "I didn't either."

"Acevea..." Acevea looks up at Erza with a tear-filled smile on her face.

"It's okay, Papa was himself in the end. That's what counts right?" Erza picks Acevea up and holds her close as they step into the guild hall.

"Yeah." Erza sits down at a table, letting Acevea sit in her lap. Acevea wipes the tears away as she slides out of Erza's lap. She goes over to the counter.

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