Chapter 2

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It's been two months since Jellal took Acevea in and brought her to his home. The first few weeks were rough due to Acevea having recurring nightmares of what was done to her by the hands of the Fire Crest guild. The guild Master himself didn't touch her but he ordered a girl by the name of Tilla to do it and the 13 year old girl, according to Acevea, smiled and laughed while carrying out the order. Jellal asked Acevea if she knew why the Guild Master had order Tilla to do it and Acevea answered honestly by telling Jellal she thinks she does know but doesn't want to tell him.

He respected that, it's enough that she trusts him as much as she already does. She may tell him in her own time, and if that's never that's okay. What matters is her safety and well-being.

Right now, Acevea sits at the table eating apples and peanut butter while reading a book. A book that most 8 year olds wouldn't be able to comprehend, much less read. Jellal is currently going over council reports. Once again, one of the Fairy Tail members caused excessive damage to a town during a job. Those this time Master Makarov and one of the members will be coming to stand in front of the council for a formal reprimand. That member is what has Jellal's attention, Erza Scarlet.

He's known for a while she was a member of Fairy Tail but to see her face to face will be quite interesting.

"Jellal?" Acevea's voice pulls him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, Ace?" Jellal responds and chews on her bottom lip before answering.

"What happened to the Fire Crest guild?"

"They were officially deemed a dark guild and the surviving members of the guild all have warrants out for their arrests." Jellal answers honestly and Acevea nods. "They won't hurt you again, Acevea."

"I know, I have you." Acevea answers. "I was just wondering because I sensed a lot of dark magic in the guild hall before..." Acevea doesn't have to continue that sentence for Jellal to know what she's remembering. "And it was a really old dark magic that I didn't think would still be around." The statement piques Jellal's curiosity, especially the way she phrased it.

"What do you mean?" Jellal asks her. Her expression shows shock, telling him she hadn't meant to say that out loud. What secrets is this little girl carrying?

"Um..." Acevea seems like she wants to tell him but she still doesn't fully trust him.

"Acevea, I promise you the things you tell me stay between me and you. No one else will ever be told." Acevea searches his eyes and face, looking for any hint of a lie.

"I remember my past life." Acevea answers. "I remember my parents from that life and...and how I died. I know others things too but I don't know how I know them." It's not unheard of, young children remembering their past lives. Some believe it to be no more than a hoax or kids mistaking dreams for memories but Jellal was one inclined to believe it to be real.

"Who were you in this past life?" Jellal asks her. She seems shocked at the immediate acceptance but answers the question.

"I was me, I was Acevea. I was the same person." That answer piques Jellal's curiosity even more. He puts his papers down and turns his full attention to Acevea.

"My papa and mama loved me a lot, I had a twin brother too, he was older than me by two hours. I was...I was 4 when I was murdered in that life. I remember it...kind of. Those memories are blurry. My papa was a really, really strong wizard, so was mama but it was papa who used a spell on me to make sure I would be born again, but the spell also made sure that I would still be his kid, Jamisie and Kysan aren't actually my parents." Acevea explains.

What Jellal is gathering from Acevea's words is that whoever her father was in her past life used a spell to make sure her DNA wasn't changed and that whoever brought her reincarnation into the world would be more or less surrogate parents. That's some pretty intense magic and magic that has only ever rumored to be legend and not to mention some consider that to be dark magic, even forbidden because it defies the laws of nature.

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