Chapter 6

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A year later Acevea and Jellal are outside in the back yard practicing magic, he's been teaching her how to use Heavenly Body magic so she doesn't have to use the magic she was born with, the magic that the Fire Crest guild master wanted so desperately to steal from her, that her grandmother wanted to steal from her and her twin brother so much so she had he four year old granddaughter murdered.

"Papa, snack time. My stomach is growling." Acevea heads over to the table where the picnic basket sits with snacks and drinks waiting for them. She's only a year older now but has mature so much more in the last year, not just in attitude but her reading level has advanced years as has her comprehension of complex issues. Another thing that has matured, much to Jellal's dismay, is her sense of humor.

Acevea plops herself down in a chair and pulls out a blueberry muffin. Jellal grabs a carrot muffin for himself as he sits across from his daughter. She also just hit a growth spurt and they had to update her entire wardrobe, including adding a few new items of clothing to it. Jellal has also been learning a lot about menstrual cycles in order to be able to help his daughter when she needs it. He just about fainted when Acevea came to him a couple weeks after her tenth birthday and told him she just started her first period.

She's growing up way too fast for his liking.

"Papa, are you going to eat that muffin or stare at it until it gains the ability to speak and begs you to eat it?" Acevea teases, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Let me enjoy my muffin, worrying about your own." Jellal retorts playfully.

"I already did, I ate it." Acevea sits forward. "Papa, what's wrong?"

Like always Acevea can read him like an open book.

"Nothing's wrong, I just got lost in thought." Jellal answers.

"Okay, what's on your mind?"


"Whatever it is I didn't do it."

"The fact that that's your automatic response makes me think you have don't something." Jellal replies, teasing his daughter.

"Not yet, I haven't joined Fairy Tail yet." Acevea smirks her mischievous smirk that always comes out when talking about Fairy Tail.

"Uh huh." Jellal chuckles. "I'm thinking about how fast you're growing up."

"Oh." Acevea contemplates this for a moment before smiling. "Nah, I'm still your little girl." A bright grin lights up her face. He appreciates her attempt to comfort him, but she truly doesn't realize just how much she's grown up the past three years, nor how quickly she continues to grow.

One day he's going to blink and his little girl will be a young woman exploring the world and leaving her own mark on it and she won't need him anymore. That day is coming far too quickly.

"I see you two are having fun." Ultear comes over to them.

"We are! Would you like a muffin Ultear? We have blueberry and carrot and apple, and chocolate and strawberry muffins." Acevea offers happily. She's still slightly wary around Ultear and won't actively choose to spend time with her. Acevea says she gets an off putting vibe from Ultear. Jellal doesn't blame her, nor does he force her to spend time with the older woman.

"No thank you dear. I'm afraid I'm not here on a social call. The council has once again received damage reports from Fairy Tail, they're quite extensive this time.

Acevea starts snickering as she hears this. "When are they not extensive?" Jellal sighs as he takes the reports from Ultear.

"I'll be there, but not in person."

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