Chapter 12

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Acevea sat on the table, barely hearing her uncle's words, nothing was really registering until everyone had cleared out of the guild hall, rushing off to fight the Thunder Legion in order to save the girls.

"Hey, Acevea. Everything's gonna be alright. I promise." Acevea looks up at Natsu when he pats her head. There's a confident smile on his face that does help her feel just a little bit better. "Erza will be back to normal in no time and wrapping her arms right around you as you eat some strawberry cake."

"Promise, Uncle?"

"I promise."

"Punch Laxus in the face for me?" Acevea asks and Natsu grins.

"You got it, Kiddo." Natsu pats her head then picks her up and heads to the door. "Hey gramps, what's wrong?"

"It seems another rule of these games is anyone over 80 is stuck in the guild hall." Makarov answers.

"Alright. I'll go take care of Laxus myself." Natsu sets Acevea down next to Makarov. "Acevea, stay here with gramps."

"Okay." Acevea glances over her should towards the stage. A grunt and a thud pull her attention back. "Gramps." She tugs on his sleeve.

"I know my dear." Makarov pats her hand. "Reedus, I know you're there, what is it?"

"I'm afraid Laxus is gonna hurt me." Reedus answers.

"It's alright, why don't you visit Porlyusica in the east forest. She may have a potion to cure petrification." Makarov suggests.

"Oui." Reedus replies then turns and heads out of the guild hall.

Makarov turns his attention back to Natsu, who lingers with his attention on his niece. Acevea has gone up onto the stage and is sitting at her mother's feet.

"Laxus is going to pay." Natsu turns towards the door.

"Find him Natsu, find him and beat him!" Makarov points out the door.

"Alright!" Natsu hollers then takes off running. As he reaches the door he runs smack into an invisible wall. "What the hell?"

"Don't tell me you can't get through! Obviously you're not a stone statue. Don't tell me you're over 80?!" Makarov asks while Natsu continues to try to push through and Happy flies back and forth.

They pause when letters show up on the wall. "Battle of Fairy Tail status report. What?!" Makarov has to read it over a second time to be sure his eyes aren't playing tricks on his. "It says Jet versus Droy versus Alzack. Is this some kind of joke?!"

"I don't understand why those guys would be fighting against each other." Natsu steps back from the wall, reading the same text Makarov is.

"The winner is Alzack, Jet and Droy K.O'ed."


Minutes go by and as more fights progress Happy reads off the results. "Macoa versus Wakaba in progress." Happy reads off.

"Foolish children! What do they think they're doing?!" Makarov demands.

"They really don't have any choice but to fight each other. Those enchantmens are hidden all over town so they're impossible to avoid. It's just like Laxus said, this is the battle of Fairy Tail." Happy replies.

"But why?! It doesn't make sense?!" Natsu then throws himself against the invisible wall. "I wanna fight too!"

"Is that all?!" Happy and Makarov exclaim in unison.

"Oh man you suck! Go away invisible wall!" Natsu shouts.

From the stage Acevea watches them at the doors, thinking and wondering if she could figure out why Natsu couldn't go through. She watches Makarov smack Natsu on the side of the head.

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