Chapter 13

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Erza leaps up summoning a sword and takes a wings at Evergreen, who manages to dodge the attack. Unfortunately, the building suffers the attack.

"We've got a score to settle." Evergreen points out.

"Save me the trouble of hunting you down I suppose." Erza races forward heading directly towards Evergreen. "The sooner I defeat you the sooner the others will be turned back!"

"Aren't you confident?" Evergreen lifts her glasses and tries to turn Erza back into stone but Erza closes her left eye, relying on her right.

"That won't work!" Erza swings at Evergreen, but the other woman dodges.

"So that heinous artificial eye actually worked in your favor? Then let's see how you like my Fairy Machine Gun! Leprechaun!" Evergreen releases this attack, sending a wave of magic thorns in Erza's direction.

Erza dodges all of them, still closing the distance between her and Evergreen. She hits a few of the thorns back towards Evergreen, each of them missing. Erza swings down with her sword as she closes the distance, but Evergreen jumps out of the way.

"Try again!" Evergreen taunts.

"Coward!" Erza replies. There's more than one reason Erza calls her that. All Erza can think about is how terrified Acevea must've been watching everything happen, listening to Laxus' and Evergreen's threats. It pisses her off.

Erza follows Evergreen across the rooftops, continuously hitting away the thorns. "You're quite adept at deflecting my thorns aren't you? But I'm just getting started!" Evergren turns to face Erza. "I wonder can you twice as many?"

Erza continues to deflect the thorns but a few of them manage to hit her. Evergreen's laughter rings out. "From this day forth I shall be known as Titania, for I am the true Fairy Queen!"

Erza jumps up and reequips, using her toes to handle two more swords and continue to deflect the thorns, once again closing the distance between her and Evergreen. Once the there is little remaining distance between them Erza tosses both swords she's wielding with her toes and pins Evergreen to a pillar on the roof of a building.

Evergreen goes limp and whines as she hangs there. Erza lands on the roof a few feet in front of Evergreen.

"Personal character aside you're still a member of Fairy Tail the same as anybody else. So if you wanna call yourself Titania then feel free, I don't even know who gave me that name in the first place. If you cease this nonsense and turn the girls back to normal then I promise that I will not harm you." Erza says this calmly, giving Evergreen a chance to surrender.

However, the other woman laughs. "You're being a bit naive aren't you? I'll have you know my stone eyes grant me another ability as well..." Evergreen trails off. Erza sighs and begins approaching her. "Remote control." Erza pauses hearing this. "Drop to your knees and bow before me! If you refuse then I'll use my power to topple your precious little statues and shatter them!"

Erza stops and reequips into her Heaven's Wheel armor, a hundred sword appearing around her as well, all of them aimed at Evergreen. "I'm impressed Evergreen, I never thought you were the kind who'd sacrifice her life for her ideals. If they must be shattered, I will have no other choice but to collect your soul in retribution for their demise." Erza glares at Evergreen who is now quite terrified.

Her terrified noises eventually turn into a loud scream, while she screams Erza goes up to her and punches her in the face. "If you're going to bluff then do it right."

"Alright, you win." Evergreen says with Erza's fist still firmly planted in her face.

Erza removes her fist from Evergreen's face. "And one more thing." A shiver runs down Evergreen's spine when she see the new glare Erza is giving her. "Stay away from Acevea. You may be a member of Fairy Tail, but you've added more trauma to her life so say away from her unless she approaches you."

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