Chapter 5

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A few months later, the early morning of January 19th Jellal's attention is pulled away from the pancakes he's making by excited giggles and hurried footsteps. "Papa! Guess what today is!" Acevea exclaims as she enters the kitchen.

"Hm... Oh, I know! It's the snowman's birthday!" Jellal answers and Acevea giggles.

"Nope! Guess again." Acevea replies.

"Oh, um... hmm..." Jellal slowly goes over to her and then snatches her up into his arms and she squeals with laughter. "It's your birthday!"

"Papa!" Acevea squeals in delight as Jellal spins her around then plops her down on her footstool.

"Do you want to help me make the pancakes?" Jellal asks her and Acevea nods enthusiastically.

Together the two of them make more than enough pancakes to feed the both of them. "Papa." Acevea looks over the several plates of pancakes.

"Yes little Heaven?"

"I think we made enough pancakes to feed an entire wizard guild, or at least half of one." Acevea points out as she puts three pancakes on her own plate and pours syrup over them.

"You may be right. We'll just freeze them and eat them when we want them." Jellal ruffles her hair as she sits at the table beside him.

In the ten months Acevea has been with him she's grown so much and come so far from the terrified little girl he met. He's excited to continue to watch her grow, he's excited to see what kind of woman she'll grow into one day, but he also hopes she doesn't grow up too fast.

"Papa, what's the tower of heaven?" Jellal nearly chokes hearing that question leave Acevea's mouth.

"How, um, how do you know about that?" He asks, mentally preparing himself to yell at Ultear because how else would Acevea know about that?

"I read about in a book." Or there's that option. Acevea's reading skill is highly advanced for her age, and he stupidly forget to make sure the library didn't have any books that mentioned the Tower of Heaven.

"It's something a very old a very powerful wizard invented, but you probably read that in your book didn't you?"

"Yea, I did. Why was your handwriting in the book?" Acevea questions, meeting her father's eyes.

"I was researching it." Jellal answers honestly, though he knows this will only prompt more questions from Acevea.

"Why where you researching it?" Acevea shoves a few pieces of her pancakes into her mouth while waiting for Jellal's answer.

"I'm building it." Jellal knows he can't lie to Acevea, she's too preceptive and she knows him too well, and according to her he's a terrible liar. Though he's fooled the Magic council and Erza for years now.

"Why are you building it?" Jellal meets Acevea's eyes, if he's right about the book she read she knows it's purpose...but if he's wrong about the book she read telling her it's purprose could cause issues because of the things she's been taught by him and others about losing people you love. On the other hand, she remembers her past life and somehow knows her father used magic to guarantee she'd be reincarnated still carrying his and his wife's DNA...

"I-" He pauses as he starts to answer. He's still determined to keep Acevea as far away from Zeref as possible, so he won't tell her the name or the nature of the person he's trying to bring back. "I'm trying to bring someone back from the dead."

"Why? What can a dead person do for you, papa? They're dead. How long ago did this person die? Are they important to you?" Acevea fires off questions, Jellal is used to this. She does this frequently during her school lessons.

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