Chapter 10

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The atmosphere of the train the next morning is lively, all due to a very energetic ten year old who has fully recovered from her fever. "Uncle Natsu, do all dragon slayers get motion sickness? Do you know any other dragon slayers other than Gajeel? Why can't you teach me dragon slayer magic?"

"Acevea, slow down." Erza chuckles while Natsu groans, trying to respond to his niece's questions without breakfast coming back up. "I think your questions might have to wait until we're no longer on the train."

"Oh. I can fix that." Acevea puts a hand on Natsu's forehead and a soft glow comes from his hand. A moment later Natsu sits upright and looks at his niece.

"How'd you do that?"

"A spell I made up, but it's not permanent and it won't work as good a sky magic would but it'll help. It will get better the more I work on it though." Acevea answers. "Can you answer my questions now, Uncle Natsu?"

"You can just make up spells?" Gray asks her.

"Yes. But not all the time, and the spells will only ever be as strong as I am when I make them unless I keep using them the stronger I get. Also making up spells and then using those spells takes a lot of energy out of me more than using magic that already exists." Acevea answers. "And I'm ten, I shouldn't be creating too many spells when I barely know how my own magic works."

"Okay, new rule, no making new spells until you're an adult." Natsu replies. "As for your questions, I think all dragon slayers get motion sickness but I don't know for sure because Gajeel is the only other one I've met and I can't teach you dragon slayer magic because I'm not a dragon." Natsu pulls her into his lap and Acevea frowns and tries to squirm away. "Sit still, Acevea. You can run around after we're off the train."

Erza questions whether or not this job is going to be boring for Acevea and if they should have taken the sea monster job.

"Mama, did you bring school work for me to start?" Acevea asks.

"No, I was going to start that after we finished this job." Acevea frowns.

"Now I'm really going to be bored." Acevea slumps back into Natsu's arms.

"Ace, look here." Gray gets her attention and starts making shapes with his ice. Acevea leans forward, eyes wide. "What's your favorite animal, Acevea?" Gray asks her.

"Lion!" She answers enthusiastically. That one should have been a given. With his ice Gray makes three lions, two adult lions and a cub, with the lion ice figurines he starts telling a silent story. Acevea is immediately hooked, and her gaze is locked on the ice figurines.

As the story continues, even though it's silent Acevea starts blubbering. "That's so sad!! The little lion cub is all alone now!! Gray make it not be alone!"

The adults have to hold back amused laughter as Gray obliges the enthusiastic ten year old and continues the lion cub's story. The rest of them realize that Gray is telling his story through these ice sculptures, whether or not Acevea picks up on that, they'll have to wait and see.

The story continues and soon the lion cub is joined by two more lion cubs and a couple adult lions. "Oh yay! He has a family again!" Acevea cheers. The train starts to slow down and Gray clears his throat.

"Let's stop the story there for now and continue it later." He pats Acevea's head.

"I love the little lion cub. He's like me, I lost my family twice too, but I found another one that loves me just as much and I think the new family little lion has found loves him very much too and always will." Acevea looks up at Gray. "Can I name him, or do you already have a name for him?"

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