Chapter 11

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Acevea sits at the table working on a school assignment, Natsu sits beside her looking at the assignment in confusion. "Ace, you understand all of this?" He asks her and she looks up at him.

"I'm starting to, I just learned it yesterday. Uncle Natsu, do you not understand it?" Acevea answers.

"Not really." He admits sheepishly. His niece only smiles at him.

"That's okay, other kids my age probably don't understand this. Mama doesn't understand it either which is why I have tutors." Acevea explains then returns to doing her homework.

"Did your papa understand this?"

"Yeah. He was the one who was teaching me everything unless he had council stuff to do then he had a tutor come in for the day." Acevea answers without looking up from her work. Natsu ruffles her hair, already incredibly proud of her.

The past few weeks she's been here have been fun and interesting. She still has days where she wants to be alone and won't talk to anyone except for four people, Erza, Natsu, Gray and Loke. She's still carrying the pain of losing her father, Natsu doesn't blame her. He can only partially relate to her, Gray on the other hand knows exactly what it's like to lose your parents.

Acevea went through it twice, even if the first time it was she who was taken from them she was reincarnated in this life remembering her past life and still biologically being Zeref's and Mavis' child. The First Master is gone and from what Acevea has told them Zeref is still alive, but he has no idea his little girl is here and in pain.

Natsu rests his hand on her head and Acevea glances up at him. "Uncle?"

"I'm proud of you, Acevea."

"Hee!" Acevea smiles but still her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes or light up her face in the same way it does in pictures where she's with Jellal.

"Natsu, you aren't distracting her from her homework, are you?" Erza asks as she sits across from the dragon slayer.

"I promise I'm not. I'm just watching her and realizing she's already smarter than me." Natsu compliments, ruffling her hair.

"You still know more about life than I do, Uncle Natsu. Being smart isn't just about being book smart, you need street smarts too." Acevea sets her pencil down and reaches for her juice.

"You're right, Acevea." Erza agrees as she takes Acevea's homework and sets a plate of food in front of her.

"Mama, Uncle, why is everyone so...buzzy?" Acevea asks. Erza and Natsu chuckle at the descriptor word Acevea chose, though she's not wrong the energy around the guild is quite buzzy.

"Fairy Tail hosts the harvest festival that's going to take place in a few days. Some are getting as many jobs done as possible and the rest are preparing floats and events for the festival." Erza explains as Acevea looks around the guild hall.

"Can I be in the festival?"

"All of Fairy Tail participates in the festival, Kiddo, so of course you can!" Natsu answers.

"I've never been to one, Papa was always too busy with council stuff even when he wanted to take me to one back home." Acevea explains.

Erza sees the unshed tears that make her daughter's eyes shine and make her heart ache. She has no doubt that there were plenty of things Jellal wanted to do with his little girl, like take her to a festival. Erza imagines there were plenty of things he was excited to experience as a father and plenty of others he was dreading, like the first time Acevea starts crushing on a boy, her first boyfriend. Erza finds herself dreading those days, the day she dreads the most is when the little girl sitting in front of her becomes a young woman and is ready to head out on her own.

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