Chapter 14

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After being back up on his feet for a little bit Gray regained some energy and could manage the pain, once he convinced Acevea he was alright they both picked up the pace looking for Warren, running around the town calling his name. The pair eventually find Warren on top of building close to the guild hall.

"Warren!" Gray calls, getting the other wizard's attention.

"Gray, Acevea? What's wrong?"

"We need your telepathy." Both Gray and Acevea answer at the same time.

"Laxus has put lacrima's in the sky. They're part of a spell called the thunder palace. Erza needs our help to take it down. We need your telepathy to connect to everyone." Gray explains while helping Warren to his feet.

"Of course." Warren stands up straight and dusts himself off before connecting every Fairy Tail member through telepathy.

"Hey Fairy Tailers, can you hear me? Things aren't looking so good for us, check out what's floating in the sky. We're gonna have to pull together, so get off your butts and lend us a hand. If any of you are still fighting just give it a rest for a second. Now listen carefully, those lacrima up there are part of a spell called the thunder palace, Laxus is using it to threaten the entire town, so we have to take it out before he can set it off. We don't have much time, so we have to work together!" Warren explains.

"Wait a minute, how did you find out about the thunder palace, Warren?" Erza asks and the tension disappears from Acevea's shoulders when she hears her mother's voice.

"I've never been happier to hear your voice, I was worried about you" Gray answers.

"Gray! I see, so you're the one who told him."

"Yeah, would've happened sooner but I had to track the guy down." Gray replies. "Oh, and don't worry about Ace, she's with me safe and sound."

"Thank goodness."

"Wait, was that Erza?"

"She's not petrified anymore?"

"Wait, if she's back to normal then...?" Droy asks.

"What about the other girls?!" Jet questions. "How is Levy?!"

"There's no need to worry boys, all the ladies are fine." Cana answers.

"Even Juvia's back on her feet." Elfman says.

"Yeah and so is Bisca." Mira adds. "Hear that Alzack?"

"That's good to hear, I was worried. I thought she was a goner." Alzack replies.

Acevea goes up to Gray and wordlessly asks him for permission to climb onto his back. He allows her and, crouching down so she has an easier time climbing on.

"There's just one problem, my telepathy can't reach all the way to the guild hall,so we'll have to make due with the people who can hear me. If we work together we can do this!" Warren encourages.

"Hold it right there Warren! Why should I do what you say after what you did to me?!" Max demands.

"Oh..ah, Max! Hey, I'm sorry about that, I swear it wasn't anything personal I was just desperate to save the girls!" Warren replies.

That's when arguing erupts between multiple members of the guild, each swearing to get the other back or calling each other names.

"Would you idiots quit yelling at each other!" Gray screams into Warren's ear.

"Hey shut up! Practise what you preach, Gray!" The others yell back at him.

"We don't have time to be goofing off we gotta hurry and take down those lacrima!" Gray yells back and the yelling and arguing just continues.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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