Chapter 8

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It was decided that Acevea would stay with Erza in the dormitory until other living arrangements could be found. It's where the two are now, Acevea is staring out the window at the night sky.

"Acevea, can't sleep?" Erza asks, sitting down behind her and running her fingers through Acevea's hair.

"No. It's not my bed, none of my things are here. This..." Acevea hugs herself tighter. "This isn't home."

"I know, I'm sorry baby." Erza kisses the top of her head. "We'll go to your house tomorrow and gather your things." Silence settles between the two, Erza brushing out Acevea's hair.

"Papa loved you." Acevea whispers. "I... I know he hurt you, a lot and he tried to kill you, but underneath the darkness he loved you. Did you love him?"

"Yes." There is no way that Erza will ever be able to bring herself to lie to Acevea, about anything.

"Thank you, Erza." Silent tears slide down Acevea's cheeks. "Thank you for saving him. He was himself in the end." Acevea's words bring bittersweet comfort to Erza.

"It was both of us, Acevea. He loved you more than anything." Erza kisses her forehead and wraps her arms around Acevea. "I bet he's so proud of you and I know you're going to continue to make him proud, Acevea."

"I don't want to cry anymore. I'm such a crybaby!"

"That's okay. You lost your father, Ace, crying is okay. Crying is okay no matter what. Grief takes time and if crying is how you're going to get through this then cry. No one here will judge you for it, in fact all of us here will hold you when and if you want to. Fairy Tail is your family now, Acevea." Erza soothes, rubbing her back.

"It's my fault." Acevea chokes out.

"Acevea, in no way is what happened your fault." Erza sits back, looking down at Acevea.

"It is... If I had just told Papa all of my secrets from the start none of this would have happened." Acevea argues, her fingers curling into fists.

"Acevea, the only ones to blame for what happened are Jellal and Zeref."

"No, no! Zeref had nothing to do with that, he couldn't have!" Acevea argues sternly. She bites her bottom lip and glares at the floor. "It's not possible because Zeref wouldn't possess people to get what he wants, and he wouldn't have anything to do with what the people who started the tower of heaven did."

"Acevea, how do you know?" Erza senses that Acevea is telling the truth.

".... Because..." Acevea tugs at her sleeves. "Because Zeref is my birth father." Erza's eyes widen at the confession. "And he's not dead." The addition to the confession only adds to Erza's shock.

"Acevea, I believe you but how do you know this? How is this possible?" Erza asks after regaining her composure.

"How I know my father is alive, I don't know. The answer to your other question is a spell and a curse." Acevea relaxes now that she knows Erza believes her. "I remember my past life, which was about 400 years ago. In this past life my father was Zeref and my mother's name was Mavis Vermillion and I also had a twin brother." Acevea explains.

"Mavis Vermillion is the founder of Fairy Tail." Acevea turns to Erza with wide eyes.


"Yes, though Fairy Tail was founded only 98 years ago."

"Hmm, mom must've been reincarnated then, just like I was." Acevea guesses. The guess makes sense considering what Acevea has said so far. "In my past life I was murdered when I was 4 years old, by a large group of towns people who were under the control of my grandmother. My grandmother, Mene Vermillion, wanted to steal mine and my brother's magic cause we were born with Primordial magic." Acevea explains, glancing up at Erza to see her reaction to this latest confession.

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