Chapter 4

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Jellal and Acevea had dinner in Era and were going to stay but Acevea was too frightened by the unfamiliar surroundings, so Jellal decided it was best to take her home and try another time to get her used to staying away from home. As he walks into the house with a sleeping Acevea in his arms he realizes the excitement of the day was also a factor when it came to Acevea being unwilling to stay in a new place. Best to try another time when emotions aren't as high as they were today.

He looks down at his sleeping daughter, one of her hands fisted into his shirt while she sleeps. If someone had told him two months ago that he'd be wrapped around a little girl's finger and she'd call him papa he would have laughed in their face, but here he is carrying said little girl up to her bedroom, determined to protect her no matter the cost.

As he lays her in her bed and tucks her in, he wonders how anyone could abandon her and hurt her in the ways she's been hurt. He's thankful that darkness isn't the only thing she's known that her "big brother" Leo was there, and that Blue Pegasus member, they made sure that she knew life has it's bright spots. He's also thankful that this little girl has clung onto those bright spots, and even found some on her own. Like her admiration for Erza and her dream to one day become a Fairy Tail wizard...and give Jellal endless headaches. He chuckles to himself seeing Acevea's mischievous and cheeky grin in his mind.

"You're such a bright and happy little girl despite everything that you've been through, I won't let the world break you, Ace... my little heaven." Jellal whispers while carefully taking the ribbon out of Acevea's hair and putting it on her bedside table. He kisses her forehead then flicks on her nightlight as he leaves the room.

With his daughter safely tucked into bed Jellal's thoughts turned to the Tower of Heaven. It's almost complete, it won't be much longer now. He tries to focus on that and that alone but Erza's words and expressions from that evening intrude into his mind. The second she laid eyes on Acevea he could see that Erza became immediately suspicious of him and he wasn't surprised when she asked about his "brother" and if he knew about Acevea. She seemed ready to steal Acevea away right then and there. What he told her though wasn't a lie, he wants Acevea as far away from the Tower of Heaven as possible.

He's determined to bring back Zeref but there is no way in hell he'd let someone that evil anywhere near his little girl. Zeref is a means to an end, that's it. She's only eight years old, she's seen too much darkness already. It doesn't help that she remembers her past life and what happened to her and why it happened... If he could Jellal would take all those memories from her and never let them disturb Acevea again.

"Is she fast asleep?" Jellal nearly jumps out of his skin when Ultear asks the question. He'd been so consumed in his thoughts he forgot she had come back with them and was waiting in his office to discuss the Tower of Heaven.

"Yes, she's asleep." He answers, calming his racing heart. He sits at his desk and looks down at the papers – the recent progress reports from the Tower of Heaven.

"What are you going to do when you need to be at the tower?" Ultear asks. Acevea... he can't watch her just using a projection, if she needed help, he needs to physically be with her. Seeing is frown Ultear sighed.

"You could just take her with you."

"Absolutely not. I don't want her anywhere near the Tower. She's seen too much darkness in her life as it is, I won't be a source of more darkness for her." Jellal snaps. Ultear doesn't react outwardly, though she is slightly shocked by this. She knew Jellal was protective of Acevea but she wasn't expecting this.

She can't argue with him though, she agrees. This little girl has seen far too much for her young age and the evil they're going to resurrect is something she shouldn't be exposed to.

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