Chapter 3

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The trip to Era was not as serious as it usually was, now that there was an energetic eight year old with them. Jellal watches his daughter excitedly look out at the passing scenery. "Papa, what are you doing at work today?" Acevea asks, while still watching the scenery pass by.

"Giving the Fairy Tail guild a formal reprimand for recent damages they caused." Acevea giggles and turns to him.

"I want to join that guild one day!"

"Oh, not Blue Pegasus?" Ultear asks with a soft chuckle. Jellal shakes his head but it's too late, Acevea's smile has disappeared.

"No." Acevea climbs onto the seat beside Jellal and tucks herself behind him. It seems she does this when she's afraid or upset, Jellal doesn't mind. In fact, he's happy to know that he's Acevea's first thought when she's scared or upset.

"I'm sorry, Acevea, I didn't mean to upset you. Fairy Tail is a good choice too, plenty of strong wizards come from that guild." Ultear says, trying to make up for her blunder.

Acevea peeks out. "Like?"

"Erza Scarlet. She's also known as Titania, Q-"

"Queen of the Fairies! She's so cool!" Acevea exclaims. "Big brother Leo always got me the Sorcerer Weekly issues that had her in it! And her hair is so pretty!" Acevea is immediately enthralled by this change of topic, her earlier distress all but forgotten.

"Heh, like father like daughter." Ultear teases, but Acevea doesn't seem to hear it or maybe she just doesn't care right now. "Your father knows her." That gets Acevea's attention, and a glare from Jellal.

"Really papa?!" Acevea's orange eyes are filled with wonder.

"I used to, when we were children, I no longer do. She's actually the member coming with the Fairy Tail guild master to Era today for the reprimand."

"You're going to scold Erza Scarlet?" Acevea asks, emphasizing Erza's name.

"Yes." Acevea immediately starts giggling.

"My papa is the coolest!" She praises, in a fit of giggles. Hearing that though fills Jellal with a sense of pride he didn't know he could feel. His little girl thinks he's cool. "Papa." Acevea's giggling stops and her tone serious now. "I want to meet Erza." Acevea states.

"I can arrange that." Jellal says and once again Acevea eyes go wide.

"Thank you papa! Oh! But it has to be only if Miss Erza wants to. You have to promise me you'll ask her if she wants to meeet me!" Acevea states sternly.

"I'll ask first." Jellal replies and Acevea settles down next to him with a conent smile. Well, settle might be the wrong word, Acevea sits beside him but bounces the rest of the way to Era.


The reprimand didn't last too long, with it now over Jellal makes his way out to the hall and sees Erza with Master Makarov heading out. "Erza." Jellal calls out to her as he approaches.

He knows that hiding around the corner is Acevea, who thinks she's good at hiding but Jellal knew she was there the second he stepped into the hallway.

"What is it, Seigrain?" Erza asks, only being cordial with him because they both share a secret or at least Erza thinks they both share a secret, but that's not what's important right now.

"There's someone who wants to meet you." Jellal tells her. Curious, Erza pauses.

"You can go on ahead, Master, I'll be right behind you."

"Take your time, child." Master Makarov continues on out of the building. Erza watches Seigrain, on guard. Whoever wants to meet her and is contected to Seigrain...could they also be connected to Jellal? Even if they aren't connected to Jellal, they can't possibly be a good person.

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