Chapter 7

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Acevea doesn't know how long she's cried for nor how long she's laid on the floor for but that doesn't matter right now, she gathers herself up off the floor and goes over to the desk where she had two more books hidden away. She pulls the books out and flips them open the marked pages. She picks up the first one, reading it carefully, absorbing every sentence, every word, every syllable as best as she can, committing to memory.

There has to be a way to stop this, to make Jellal stop this. He doesn't have to hurt anyone, he doesn't have to hurt himself! There has to be a way to make him see that he's not himself and that Ultear has something to do with it! Aceava doesn't know entirely what kind of man her papa is without the influence of some dark force but she assumes he's still kind and gentle and protective. Maybe he's less stressed, less obsessive. Aside from the maybes Acevea's sure that without the influence of that woman Jellal could truly feel the very real love he has for Erza.

Acevea glances away from the book, to the bracelet around her wrist when she thinks of Erza. That's when an idea comes to her, she tosses the book onto the desk and races out of the library and down to her bedroom. She quicky grabs her coat and rushes downstairs and as she reaches the door she opens a portal and steps through.

Her secrets, ones she's held onto her for her entire life, they'll stop this. Her secrets and Erza. Erza can save Jellal, Acevea's sure of it. Telling Jellal all of her remaining secrets will make him pause and then Erza can save him!

Acevea steps through the portal into the Tower of Heaven except, everything looks wrong. Acevea is standing on top of a blue crystal and there's way too much magic energy in the air.

"And what about Acevea, Jellal?!" Acevea knows that voice, it's Erza's, but she sounds angry.

"What about her?! She's safe at home and no harm will ever come to her! Think of it this way, Erza, your sacrifice will go towards protecting her! It'll keep the darkness away from her!" Jellal's voice doesn't sound normal, that voice laced with madness doesn't belong to her papa.

"You were going to sacrifice Erza?!" Acevea demands. The adults' expressions pale as both their heads snap to her.

"Acevea, how did you get here?!" Jellal demands.

"I opened a portal, papa. I know lots of magic...I just didn't tell you or show you. There's lots I didn't tell you that need to. But you have to stop this first! You can't hurt Erza!"

"Acevea, go home."

"No! I'm not going to listen to you this time! You're not a bad person papa!" The Tower trembles and groans and the magic energy in the air starts to feel...wrong.

"Acevea, listen to your father and go home!" Erza tells her and Acevea's gaze turns to the older woman. "Please, it's not safe here!"

"I'm not going unless you and Papa come with me!"

"Acevea please!" Both Erza and Jellal plead with her this time.

"No!" Acevea screams, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Damn it, kid!" A new voice reaches her ears and then arms pick her up and take her away from Jellal and Erza. Acevea screams and struggles against the arms but it's no use.

The arms don't go until they're far away from Jellal and Erza. Acevea is put on her feet and she screams and punches whoever it was. "I know how to stop this! Why did you take me away from them! I know how to stop this!" Acevea wails, but the form in front of her remains unmoving.

"You're one stubborn kid, I see why Erza likes you." Acevea pauses then looks up and is surprised to find Natsu looking down at her. "Stay here okay? I know you're scared and just want to save your papa right?" Acevea's bottom lip quivers as she nods.

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