' 1 . - The Day Before it Started.. '

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Butters stirred as his mother
hollered his name from the kitchen.
"Oh, Butters! Hurry on up, you're going to be late for school!"
Butters quickly blinked the sleep out of his eyes, grunting softly as he sat up on his bed that never seemed to be comfier than it was now.
"Coming, ma!"
Butters shouted down to his mother, drowsiness still evident in his voice.
He wasn't content about going to school. He'd much rather stay in his bed. Yet he knew that couldn't happen.
He thought to the positive things about school.
The mere thought of seeing his best friend, Kenny, was enough to make his day. Kenny was one of the only students in school that Butters necessarily enjoyed being around. They had been best friends for years, inseparable.
His thought process was abruptly cut off when he heard his mother's shout again, her tone slightly more irritated.
"Hurry up!"
At this, Butters scurried out of bed, knocking some of the action figures off of his nightstand in the process. He couldn't worry about that right now. He was going to be late! And if he was late, he'd surely be grounded. Slipping into his white undershirt and teal jacket, he whipped open the door to his room and rushed downstairs, not bothering to stop for breakfast in the process.
"Bye ma, bye dad!"
Butters's father didn't look up from his newspaper, his mother continuing on with washing the dishes.
Butters sighed, running out of the door.
Snow was falling gently from the ominous grey sky. Butters had to be careful not to slip as he hurried down the sidewalk to the bus stop where Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny usually were.
He quickened his pace, afraid at the thought of missing the bus.
He'd hate it to walk to school in this weather, and miss an opportunity to talk to his best friend.
After what felt like hours of walking, he finally could make out the silhouettes of his friends in the distance.
Butters smiled, running over to them happily. Nobody besides Kenny seemed to notice his arrival at first until he spoke.
"Hi, fellas!"
Cartman rolled his eyes as the trio turned towards Butters.
"Hi, Butters."
Kyle said in a low, monotone voice. He went right back to arguing with Cartman after that, Stan looking back down at his phone.
Kenny was the only one who seemed to be paying attention.
Butters could tell Kenny was smiling under his parka, but he noticed something.
The sparkle in Kenny's blue eyes was slightly faded, his smile seeming dull.
Was something going on? Butters meant to ask, but Kenny spoke first.
"Hey, dude!"
Butters smiled at Kenny's words, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that something was wrong with Kenny.
Butters shook the thought off, smiling.
"Hi, Ken!"
Cartman then stoppped his argument with Kyle, laughing and shouting.
"Look at the fags!"
Butters and Kenny had learned to ignore Cartman, as this happened on a daily basis. Kenny rolled his eyes, snickering.
"Shut up, fatass!" Kyle shouted.
Just before the argument could go on, the five kids noticed the bus arriving.
Kyle sighed loudly, stomping past Cartman to walk by Stan's side as they entered the bus.
Kenny and Butters walked behind Cartman, taking their seat at the back of the bus.
As they took their seats, Kenny leaned over to look out of the window, which was odd as he usually attempted to engage in a conversation with Butters.
Butters frowned, sighing.
"Hey, is everything okay?"
He softly asked, putting a hand on Kenny's shoulder.
Kenny turned to look at Butters, looking slightly distraught.
"Yeah, dude. I'm okay."
Butters sighed. Kenny clearly wasn't willing to tell him anything.
"Okay, just making sure."
Butters said, looking down.
They sat in comfortable silence, occasionally exchanging glances and smiling.
After a while, the bus pulled up to the school.
Butters and Kenny got up to exit the bus after everyone else did, walking side by side.
As they entered the school, they went their separate ways silently, heading to their respective lockers..

Butters was paying attention to the lesson Mr. Garrison was going over, when he noticed Kenny had raised his hand. Mr Garrison turned his attention to him.
"Yes, Kenny?"
Kenny looked down, his voice muffled against the fabric of his parka as usual.
"Can I go to the bathroom?"
Mr Garrison quickly nodded.
"Sure, Kenny. But be quick."
Kenny nodded, not looking at Mr. Garrison as he exited the classroom.
Mr. Garrison continued with the lesson, Butters taking notes as he taught.

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