' 6 . He's Missing? .. '

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Butters had thought everything was getting better. He had gotten up, got ready, got breakfast and hurried towards the bus stop. He didn't expect Kenny to be at school yet, so he wasn't surprised when Kenny still wasn't at school. Kyle and Cartman were arguing as usual, Stan looking unbothered.
It was like they didn't notice Kenny wasn't there, which was upsetting. Butters knew he'd be there for Kenny more than these three ever would.
The bus arrived and Kyle and Cartman stopped arguing for once, the four boarding the bus. Butters tried to talk to Kyle, to ask him about Kenny, but Kyle was ignoring him, now enjoying a talk with Stan.
Butters sighed, sitting alone once again. Kenny was supposed to be by his side. Hopefully he'd be back soon.

A somewhat ordinary day at school passed. Cartman seemed to be more of a jerk to Butters since Kenny wasn't here, but it wasn't that bad. Yet. Butters sulked on his way home. He and Kenny were usually laughing and talking while they walked home together. Butters missed that. Once Butters arrived home, he greeted his parents. Butters attempted to ask his parents to let him visit Kenny again, but his father answered with a sudden hostility.
"Not today, Butters." He snapped.
Butters sighed, shaking his head slowly. Despite the disappointment, he still forced himself to act happy as he sat on the couch next to his mother, watching a tv show.

Not too long passed before Butters suddenly heard a knock at the front door. He was about to get up to answer, when his mother got up.
"I'll get it."
Butters' dad also emerged from the kitchen, standing next to her as she answered the door. Butters couldn't help but look over, silently eavesdropping.
As his mom answered the door, they were greeted with Kenny's mom. Her red hair was tangled, her makeup smudged on her teary face.
Butters' dad seemed immediately concerned, speaking. "Carol? Err.. Mrs. McCormick?"
Butters felt his dad shoot a glare at him, whisper yelling.
"Butters, go on up to your room, now."
Butters gulped. He knew he couldn't disobey. He nodded before rushing up to the top of the stairs, hoping his dad thought he went to his room. He sat on the top step, silently watching and listening.
"Come in, Mrs. McCormick." Butters' mom said, with an oddly cold tone.
Kenny's mom was sobbing. Butters could hear it from where he was.
"Take a seat. What's wrong?" Butters' father said, looking concerned.
Kenny's mother had her head in her hands.
"I-i- Kenny's gone. Went to go visit him', his hospital bed was empty. I asked the doctors about it, and they said they didn't know where he was." She choked, sobbing loudly after that.
Butters gasped.
He could barely understand what was going on afterward. Where had Kenny went? He couldn't have ran away, right? It was freezing outside and he was in that hospital gown with short sleeves and shorts on. Butters held himself back from letting out a choked sob. He ran to his room, grabbing his phone and texting the group chat.
"Guys! Kenny is missing!"
Butters frantically texted, waiting for a answer shakily. He wouldn't wait much longer.
The only one that responded was Stan.
"im sure its not that big of a deal, dude. we were worried at first but he's okay now. he'll be fine."
Butters realized that there was no point in trying to talk to them anymore, so he threw his phone on the bed, and made a difficult decision.
He was going to look for Kenny.

Talk To Me . . [ A Bunny Fanfic. ] (kennyxbutters)Where stories live. Discover now