' 7 . Let's Talk About This .. '

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Butters knew he couldn't ask his parents for permission. At this point, the sun had set and his parents were strict about him being gone for too long. He still heard the muffled voices of his parents and Kenny's mom downstairs, anyway.
He decided he had to do something he hadn't done in a while.
He had to sneak out.
He was reluctant with following through with this idea, but shook it off. He would do anything for Kenny at that point, especially since he was in that dire situation.
Butters knew he had to sneak past his parents. Maybe he could leave out of one of the kitchen windows. He had a window in his room, but he was on the second floor, so it'd be much too high.
Butters silently left his room, quietly closing the door behind him. He tip-toed down the steps, noticing Kenny's mom was still sobbing. Butters' own mom was nowhere to be seen, the only one comforting Kenny's mon was his dad.
Making sure they didn't notice him, Butters crept into the kitchen. He climbed onto the counter, smiling in triumph as he saw that the window was unlocked. He easily opened the window, slipping out through it.
He was now outside. He ran towards the sidewalk that was covered by a sheet of snow, deciding he'd head towards Main Street. Maybe Kenny was there.
Eventually he reached the deserted- looking Main Street. Not many people were out since it was late. Butters strode through the town, checking alleyways and looking in all directions. He couldn't find him.
Butters felt like giving up.
Suddenly, as he was walking by a tall, abandoned building, he heard something coming from above.
Butters looked up, letting out an audible gasp as he saw something he didn't want to see. Ever.
He saw Kenny standing on top of the building, dangerously close to the edge.
Butters ran into the building as fast as he could, going up the old stairs quickly. When he reached the roof, he ran up to Kenny.
"Kenny! No!"
Kenny turned around, looking bewildered. "Butters! Please- please stop. Please. I- I just want to do it. Don't stop me. Please." Kenny wailed, tears streaming out of his blue eyes.
"NO! I won't let you do it, Ken! Please! I-I love you!-"
Butters regretted those words as soon as they slipped out. "We can talk about this," he insisted, barely having time to think about what he was saying.
Kenny looked shocked, but looked down, sighing.
"You're my super best friend, but you can't save me. I have to do this."
Butters was about to say something, but before he could, Kenny turned once again and leapt off of the edge.
Butters barely had time to react. Time seemed to be going in slow motion.
He ran towards the ledge, leaning down and grasping Kenny's arm just in time.
Kenny looked up at Butters, tears in his eyes.
"Let go, Butters. Just- let go."
Butters started sobbing himself, shaking his head.
"I won't, Kenny. I won't!"
Kenny sighed.
"Im sorry it had to come to this."
Before Butters could react, Kenny had pulled out the pocket knife Butters didn't notice Kenny had in his other hand. Kenny lifted the knife, slicing Butters' hand.

He was forced to let go, watching Kenny plummet down towards the concrete below.


Talk To Me . . [ A Bunny Fanfic. ] (kennyxbutters)Where stories live. Discover now