' 2 . - A Harsh Welcoming.. '

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Butters yawned as he woke up, sitting up in bed and stretching.
It was a Saturday, so he wouldn't have to worry about going to school.
He looked at the clock.
Butters sighed. He'd slept in.
It didn't matter, anyway. Today was the day he was gonna visit Kenny. To check on him.
The memories of yesterday were still fresh in his mind as he got changed, running out of his room and down the steps afterward.
His mother was on the couch, crocheting a blanket.
"Hi, ma. I'm just going to a friend's house." Butters mumbled as he walked by the couch.
"Okay, but don't be out too late." His mother replied.
Butters nodded quickly, heading out of the front door.
He had been to Kenny's house countless times, and he memorized the way there. It was pretty simple since they lived in the same neighborhood, just a few houses apart.
Despite that, it was still a long way there.
Butters sighed, starting on his way down the sidewalk silently, his eyes on the ground.

Eventually, Butters reached Kenny's rundown, abandoned-looking house.
Butters often felt pity for his best friend. Kenny was malnourished, bruised; and shorter than the other kids probably due to malnutrition.
Butters was slightly scared of Kenny's parents. From what he had heard, they were alcoholics; neglectful, and white trash. His own dad wasn't much better, but he wasn't as bad as Kenny's dad was.
Taking a deep breath, he walked up to the front door.
He slowly raised his fist and knocked, hoping Kenny or one of his siblings would answer.
He waited a minute or two before knocking again as nobody answered the door.
Eventually, to Butters' disappointment, someone who he recognized as Kenny's father opened the door, a bottle of beer in his right hand.
Kenny's dad knew who Butters was, as almost everyone in town knew Butters and Kenny were the best of friends.
Kenny's dad seemed to be heavily intoxicated, his voice slurred.
"What do you want, kid?"
He murmured, a hiccup following his sentence.
Butters felt a pang of panic, fidgeting with his knuckles once again.
"Well, I-i was wondering if I could see Kenny.."
Butters stammered, stumbling on his own words.
Kenny's dad narrowed his eyes, letting out a sigh of annoyance.
"No. Kenny can't play."
He slurred.
"What..? W-why not?"
Butters was afraid to ask, but let the words slip, squeezing his eyes shut. He could feel the annoyance burning off of Kenny's dad.
Kenny's dad was about to answer, and Butters could tell he was about to raise his voice.
"It's none of your damn business, kid!") for a few moments afterward, dumbfounded. Why was he so defensive about it?
Butters was really starting to get worried.
Sighing, he turned around and went back home.
He sulked all the way home. He couldn't get Kenny off of his mind. What was wrong? Kenny's parents wouldn't even let him see him.
Once he got home, he walked past his mother who was watching television.
"You're back early," Butters' mom commented, looking up.
"Yeah." Butters replied flatly, walking up the stairs to his room.
He grabbed his cellphone, going to the text messages app and clicking on Kenny's contact.
He sighed, lying down in his bed, thinking of what to write.
"hi, kenny. i don't know what happened on friday but as your best friend, you can tell me anything. feel better. try to respond if you can. ❤️" The text read.
I was reluctant on adding the heart emoji, but if Kenny even read it, he'd surely take it as a friendly gesture.
I pressed send, putting my phone down on the nightstand.
I spent the rest of my day rewatching old Terrance and Phillip episodes, streamed on YouTube. I occasionally checked my phone, but there was no response from Kenny. I could barely focus on the show.
Eventually, the sun set and Kenny hadn't even read it yet! Butters had given Kenny his old phone a while ago, and Kenny, not used to having the privilege to electronics, always used it. He would usually immediately respond to Butters.
This was odd.
He sighed, eventually getting changed. Maybe he'd try to visit again tomorrow.
He forced himself to go to sleep early, a screen of black overtaking his sight.

Talk To Me . . [ A Bunny Fanfic. ] (kennyxbutters)Where stories live. Discover now