' 3 . Talk to Me .. '

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The next morning dawned on him quickly. He had to wake up early, as it was the day he and his family always went to church. He'd try to visit Kenny again afterward.
His parents forced him to wear a formal suit to church, also making him comb his short hair neatly.
Then, he remembered. Kenny usually attended church with his mother, sister and brother. Kenny's dad had stopped coming for whatever reason, but that was none of his business.
Once he was done getting ready, which took an hour and a half, he met his family downstairs. His mother had made a small breakfast waiting for him on the table; and he was rushed to finish it. After eating it as quickly as he could, they were all set.
They all got into the car, Butters' sitting in the back, his dad driving. As they were on their way, his dad started talking.
"How's school going, Butters? How's your little friend, uhm, Kenny? I see you always hang out with him."
Butters could see he had raised an eyebrow at this in the rearview mirror, and he sighed. His father had been very suspicious of their friendship. He knew he was homophobic. But he and Kenny weren't gay. He didn't even know what Kenny was going through right now.
Still, Butters had always felt an overwhelming, fuzzy and warm sensation in his chest whenever they made eye contact. He sighed, realizing he hadn't responded to his father yet.
"Everything's fine. I guess Kenny's just a bit sick."
Butters' dad narrowed his eyes.
"Well, I hope he feels better. Me and his father used to be good friends. We still are.." He trailed off. "Anyway, here we are!"
Butters quickly got out of the car, along with his mom and dad. They walked into the building, taking their usual seats. They were early, as there weren't many people there yet. When everyone else started filing in, he looked over to where Kenny's family usually sat. He saw Kenny's mom's red hair, and he could see Karen and Kevin, Kenny's siblings. However, Kenny wasn't there. A strong pang of worry hit him. He just wanted Kenny to be okay.
Suddenly, he felt a harsh pinch on his arm, looking over. His dad looked angry.
"Pay attention, mister! Or you're grounded after you get another whooping."
Butters gulped, nodding and looking ahead of him, towards the preacher. He forced himself to listen, his mind still on Kenny.


The time passed pretty quickly, and everyone was eventually dismissed. He told his parents that he would be back, running up to Kenny's mom before they left. He knew Kenny's mom was nicer than her husband.
"Uh.. excuse me..?"
Butters walked up to her, and she turned to look at him, as well as Kenny's siblings.
"Oh, hi', hun! You're one of Kenny's little friends, aren't ya?" She said with her thick southern accent.
Butters quickly nodded, sighing.
"Uhm.. do.. do you know what's wrong with Kenny? Is he acting weird at all?"
Butters stammered. Kenny's mom's eyes widened at this, and she looked confused and upset.
"I'm sorry, darling.. I can't give away personal information like that. You're always welcome to come an' talk to him, though."
Kenny's mom was so sweet when sober. When she was intoxicated, she was the spawn of satan.
Butters sighed, nodding. He decided not to push it, thanking her and walking back towards his parents. He saw Kenny's mom wink at his own dad as they left, not thinking about it.

When they got home, it was later in the afternoon. Butters' parents had let him try to visit Kenny, and he made the walk once again. Once he'd reached Kenny's tiny house, he noticed that Kenny's mom's car still wasn't there. He didn't hear anything from inside, but still tried to knock on the door.
A minute or two after he knocked, he was greeted by Kenny's older brother, Kevin.
"What d'ya want?"
He muttered.
"Can I come in and see Kenny?"
Butters mumbled.
Kevin rolled his eyes, sighing.
"Eh, Kenny's not doing so good right now, and our parents aren't home. But I' guess so."
Butters smiled in triumph, happily walking past Kevin and into Kenny's filthy house.
The door to Kenny's room had the words 'Kenny' etched onto it in sloppy handwriting. It had always been there, since Kenny was a toddler. However, he hadn't been to Kenny's house much.
He slowly knocked on Kenny's door, but no response.
Still, no response.
"I'm coming in."
He slowly opened the door, walking into Kenny's room. He was slightly concerned and worried as the sight greeted him.
Kenny was lying on his bed on his belly so Butters couldn't see his face.
He heard sniffling, and Kenny turned to me. Butters had to try not to recoil. He was so skinny. Even worse than before. There were deep black circles under his eyes. His blonde hair was sticking out crazily from under his parka. His blue eyes were dull.
"Kenny, look at me." Butters said as Kenny looked down.
Kenny stayed silent, and Butters sat down next to him on his bed.
"Talk to me, Ken.. what's.. what's happening?"
Kenny suddenly broke into tears, sobbing loudly,
Butters tried to pull Kenny into a hug but he pushed Butters away, burying his head into his pillow.
"Kenny.." Butters started, but Kenny cut him off.
"Just LEAVE ME ALONE!" Kenny screamed, sobbing louder.
"Kenny.. no. You're my best friend. Tell me, what's wrong-"
Butters sat there in shock for a moment, and his eyes drifted to Kenny's wrists, since the sleeve of his parka was slightly pulled up.
Butters gasped. His wrists were covered with deep cuts, fresh blood plastered onto the cut and the skin around it.
Kenny seemed to notice that Butters had, and quickly pulled his sleeves down, turning away.
"J-just get out.." Kenny sobbed.
Butters, horrified, had no choice but to leave, looking back once before he closed the door to Kenny's room.
It was really bad.
When he got home, he decided to text the group chat consisting of Stan, Kyle, and Cartman. Kenny was in it, too, but Butters guessed he wasn't active on his phone.
The read,
"Fellas! i went over to kenny's house today, and he's really bad off. im really worried for him. He looked more skinny than usual. he's not ok you guys."
By the time Butters was done, it was already nighttime. Getting dressed, he quickly fell asleep, despite everything that was going on.

Talk To Me . . [ A Bunny Fanfic. ] (kennyxbutters)Where stories live. Discover now