' 4 . What..? '

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The next day, Butters woke up to his alarm clock once again.
Another day at school.
He sighed. At least he would be able to see Kenny!
He changed out of his pajamas, getting into his regular outfit.
Just then, Butters remembered yesterday.
Kenny had snapped at him for the first time.
Something wasn't right.
And he was going to find out what it was today. When he saw Kenny at school, he was going to talk to him.
He quickly ran downstairs, spoke to his parents, and grabbed breakfast.
Afterwards, he hurried out of the front door, saying his goodbyes to his parents.
After he exited his house, he started speed-walking to the bus stop.
He sighed. He had no idea what was going on.
Kenny was usually quiet and compassionate.
Once he reached the bus stop, he sighed.
To his disappointment, he only saw three boys.
Cartman, Kyle, and Stan.
"Hey, fellas! Do you guys know if Kenny's going to be at school today?"
Stan shook his head.
"No, sorry. We don't know."
Butters sighed before standing next to Cartman. That was alright. He'd just visit Kenny after school.
Eventually, the bus pulled up.
Butters took a seat alone. Kenny was supposed to sit next to him, but he wasn't here.

Once the bus pulled up to the school and Butters went to his first class, time seemed to drag on.
Suddenly, a voice boomed on the intercom.
"Butters Stotch, please report to the counselor's office."
Butters then felt a pang of nervousness. He could be in trouble. If he was in trouble, he would be grounded.
Nervously, he rose from his seat, pushed it in, and headed towards the counselor's office.
When he shakily opened the door, he gulped. Mr Mackey, the school counselor, along with Butters' parents, stood there.
They didn't have looks of anger on their faces though. They had somewhat empathetic expressions.
"Take a seat, mkay.."
Mr Mackey instructed, Butters doing as told so.
"Now, Butters. You're not in trouble. We decided to give you this news first as we know you're Kenny's best friend, mkay."
Butters nodded, a horrible feeling rising in his chest.

"Now, there's no easy way to say this, mkay.. but.. your friend Kenny tried to kill himself last night."

Talk To Me . . [ A Bunny Fanfic. ] (kennyxbutters)Where stories live. Discover now