' 9 . The Visit .. '

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Butters almost leapt with joy as the doctor permitted them to visit Kenny.
Butters smiled, letting Kenny's mother go in first.
He went in afterwards, Stan, Kyle and Cartman following.
Kenny's mother went to his side. Kenny was still without his parka, in a different hospital gown. There were bandages around his forehead, along with the bandages on his stomach and wrists from the previous attempt.
Butters could tell Kenny was conscious, but only a bit.
His pretty blue eyes were slightly open, and he was looking around at the people around him.
Kenny's mom started crying at his side once again.
Stan, Kyle, Cartman and Butters waited until Kenny's mom eventually left the room. They guessed she couldn't bear seeing her son like this anymore.
Stan, Kyle and Cartman went to talk to him, though Kenny wasn't responding. It was mostly Stan and Kyle who were engaging in a conversation, Cartman staying silent.
Butters wanted to talk to Kenny badly, but waited for the other three to leave.
It took a while for Cartman, Kyle and Stan to leave, but they eventually did, saying bye to Kenny quietly.
Butters' parents had stayed outside, most likely comforting Kenny's mother.
That left Butters and Kenny alone.
Butters rushed to Kenny's side; trying hard not to cry.
"Why, Kenny.."
Kenny looked up at Butters, beginning to speak. However, he didn't speak for all of the other visitors.
"I'm sorry, Butters. I just.. I- I couldn't keep myself from doing it."
Butters kneeled down, putting a hand on Kenny's frail chest.
"You can always talk to me, Ken. You're my super best friend. Never be afraid to reach out to me."
Kenny sighed, looking into Butters' eyes. "Why are you so nice to me?"
Butters was distraught by this question. Kenny was Butters' super best friend, and always had been. Why was he questioning that?
"Kenny.. you're my best friend. I-i love you. Well, gee.. as a friend, of course. But I'll always be here for you, Kenny. Even if Cartman, Kyle or even Stan aren't."
Kenny started tearing up, reaching to pull Butters into a hug.
"It's just that.. the other three always leave me out. It feels like we being friends since kindergarten means nothing to them. That's not the reason I.. I attempted, but it still hurts, dude." Kenny admitted.
Butters was somewhat glad Kenny felt comfortable enough to start opening up, even if it wasn't the real problem. He moved closer to Kenny, smiling.
"You know im here, bud. We always hang out, anyway! You don't need them."
Kenny seemed slightly assured by this, smiling.
"I'm glad I have you, Butters."

Days went by, and Butters visited Kenny every single day. He brought presents like candy, flowers, get well cards.. that kind of stuff. Kenny seemed to be happy every time Butters visited.
Butters never noticed how strong the fuzzy feeling really got in his chest when he was around him until now. His heart felt like it was going to explode, and he had to try hard to keep his face from reddening whenever he was near Kenny.
He didn't know what this feeling was. Until one day, as he was on his way to visit Kenny, a thought came to his head.
Was he in love with Kenny?
No.. no! That couldn't be true. They were just best friends.
He thought back to the time where they exchanged a kiss on the cheek.
"Maybe it was just a friendly gesture.." Butters thought to himself.

Two days passed, and Butters continued the repetition of visiting Kenny every day.
Eventually, he was ready to get discharged from the hospital. Butters' knew that Kenny's mom would drive him home, so waited by the front of Kenny's house as they pulled in, smiling. As Kenny got out of the car, Butters ran to hug him..
They giggled. It had been a while since Butters had seen Kenny this happy.
They went inside Kenny's house, walking past Kenny's dad, who was passed out drunk on the couch, and scurried to Kenny's room.
Butters noticed how messy Kenny's room was, and felt bad. He knew Kenny didn't have it easy.
Especially since he tried to kill himself multiple times.
They both started talking about a lot of things. Nothing about Kenny's feelings. They were just enjoying eachother's company.
It felt like everything was normal again.

Was it?

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