' 10 . An Idea .. '

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A few weeks passed, marking the end of school and the beginning of Summer.
Kenny seemed to be getting sad again, not communicating much.
Butters wanted to prevent what happened the previous times from happening again. One day, he got an idea. One that would cheer Kenny up.
He grabbed his phone, texting Kenny.
"Hey, Ken! How would you like to go to a beach tomorrow?"
Butters' waited for a response in anticipation, almost trembling.
He waited about five minutes before his phone vibrated once again.
Kenny had responded.
"sure, dude. my mom says it's alright."
Butters squealed with excitement, rushing downstairs.
"Mom!" He called, running to her. "Can- can you take me and Kenny to the beach tomorrow..? Gee, I know the closest beach is far away, but I just really want to cheer Kenny up, you know! You could drop us off and pick us up a few hours later."
Butters' mom looked skeptical at this, not responding for a few moments. She sighed, reluctantly nodded.
"I'm sure your father wouldn't mind. But just for the day. " Butters squealed at this, fidgeting with his knuckles in excitement. "I'll drop you guys off at eleven, and pick you up at seven thirty. Is the whole thing okay with Kenny's parents?" She added.
He nodded.
"Yeah, yeah! Thank you, mom!"
Butters' mom just smiled at this, shooing him off.
As he got to his room, Butters immediately texted Kenny.
"My mom said she'll drop us off at the beach tomorrow! I'm so excited."
Almost immediately, Kenny texted back.
"yay! me too!!! see you tomorrow!!"
Butters smiled as he put his phone down. He smiled, seeing it was already getting late.
Before he went to bed, he got a short sleeved-outfit with shorts ready, also rummaging through his closet to find beach materials.
Once Butters was finished, he climbed into bed. He started thinking.
The feeling of warmth and fuzziness, something he couldn't explain, started to get worse. It happened at the mere thought of Kenny.
He couldn't be in love. He'd be grounded for life, and sent to conversion camp again.
He wasn't in love,


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