' 12. Confession .. '

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Butters and Kenny started hanging out even more frequently throughout the summer.
Stan, Kyle and Cartman barely saw them since they were always with each other.
Of course, Cartman started to spread rumors that the two were gay. Kenny and Butters were oblivious to this, living the best life during the Summer.
Not one day went by where they didn't hang out or call.
The feeling in Butters' chest got more overwhelming than it had ever did when he was around Kenny.
He had a huge crush on Kenny.
Eventually, school started once again. They were going into seventh grade.
It was the first day of school, and Kenny and Butters were walking with each other on the way there.
"I don't want school to start again," Butters complained. However, he had a smile on his face as he looked at Kenny.
He noticed that Kenny only seemed to be comfortable with taking his parka off when he was around him.
That made Butters' heart leap. But now they were about to go to school, with countless other students, meaning Kenny would have his parka on.
Butters slightly frowned at the thought, but sighed.
"Me neither, dude. But we're still gonna be super best friends forever, right?"
Butters face heated up at the words 'super best friend.'
He smiled."Of course!"
Suddenly, Butters got an urge to do something. Hopefully Kenny didn't take it as weird.
Reluctantly, Butters gently took hold of Kenny's hand. They held hands all the time. Hopefully Kenny didn't think of it now..
Butters looked to Kenny. He seemed perfectly normal, even smiling.

They eventually came across the school building, walking in.
As they walked into the hallway, Kenny and Butters heard people whispering and looking at them.
Kenny was confused, looking around in uncertainty.
"Just ignore them, Ken.. I dunno what they're saying, but I know it's not nice." Butters told Kenny, however, looking uncertain as well.
Kenny nodded, sighing.
Butters felt his heart flutter. His face felt like it was on fire.

Butters wasn't sure it was because it was the first day, or something else, but he couldn't focus on the lesson.
He found himself staring at Kenny, who was seated across the room. He smiled to himself.
He wasn't gay.
Was he?
He sighed. He couldn't take these feelings anymore.
After class, he slipped a note into Kenny's locker sneakily.
It read:

Meet me at Stark's Pond after school.


Butters quickly ran off after delivering the note, giggling to himself.
After that, time seemed to drag on. It seemed like forever until the last bell rang, a signal for all the kids to go home.
Butters hurried out of the school, darting towards Stark's Pond.
He got there quickly, sitting on a bench. Waiting.
Not too long after, he heard footsteps behind him. Butters looked back, seeing the familiar orange parka and pretty blue eyes..
"Hi, Ken!" Butters greeted, smiling.
"Hi, Butters!" Kenny replied, taking a seat next to Butters. "Did you need anything? I know you specifically asked to come here, and we don't usually go here."
Butters smiled, looking down and blushing.
"Well, I did have something to tell you.." He murmured, his face a bright red.
"Oh, okay! What is it?" Kenny asked with genuine curiosity.
"Well.. do you promise you won't be mad after I tell you? And promise you'll keep talking to me? You're my super best friend."
Kenny seemed nervous at this, but nodded.
"Of course, Butters. I'm not like that."
Butters sighed, blushing harder..
"Alright.. here it goes... I- I have a crush on you, Kenny. I love you. Gee, I'm sorry. You don't have to like me back. Like that.."
Butters looked back up. Kenny looked as red as a tomato.
They looked into each other's eyes for a few moments, Kenny remaining silent.
Unexpectedly, Kenny pulled down his hood and smiled at Butters before pulling him into a kiss.
Butters was distraught for a few moments, before returning the kiss.
When Kenny pulled away, he began to speak.

"I love you too, Butters."


Talk To Me . . [ A Bunny Fanfic. ] (kennyxbutters)Where stories live. Discover now