' 5 . The Hospital ..

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Suddenly, Butters wasn't aware of anything around him. He felt like every breath was taken away from him. His surroundings distorted and he felt like he was plummeting into oblivion.
How could he be so stupid? He should've stayed with Kenny. He knew it was bad. Butters saw Kenny's wrists. He knew he should've told someone. Yet he stayed silent. It was all his fault.
He was barely aware that he started sobbing hysterically, putting his head in his hands. Butters had breakdowns before. For example, when his dad beat him and smashed his computer, or when Cartman used to always beat him up and call him names.
Yet, this was the worst one yet. He could barely breathe. He started shaking. He heard voices around him, but didn't bother to comprehend them. He could've stopped this.
He heard his mom yell, feeling hands on his shoulders.
Maybe it was the stress and shock, or the overwhelming feeling of sadness and guilt, but Butters vision suddenly went black, and he got pulled into the sensation of fainting.

Butters woke up in his bed hours later, still feeling extremely panicked and shocked. He shit up out of bed, when he heard his phone vibrating. With very shaky hands, he picked it up, reading the text message. It was from Stan, who had texted the group chat.
"butters dude! are u ok? the whole grade knows what happened. I can't believe kenny tried to do that. everyone also knows you passed out. they saw your parents carrying you out of school."
Butters couldn't be bothered to answer. He almost threw his phone across the room, rushing downstairs. He darted past his parents who were on the couch, ignoring them calling for him.
He rushed out of the front door, noticing it was basically a blizzard outside but not caring.
He could barely see an inch ahead of him. He knew where the hospital was, but it was extremely freezing and difficult to even walk. He didn't care.
Eventually, he saw the silhouette of the hospital. Every limb of his body was numb, his clothes soaked with snow.
A new strength seared through him as he ran towards the hospital, running in. Butters embraced the sudden warmth of the hospital, but didn't stop.
Butters ran up to the receptionist, panting. He was freezing, soaked, and out of breath.
"I-i need to see- I need to see Kenny. Kenny McCormick."
The receptionist seemed concerned, seeing Butters soaked; covered with snow, and freezing. She sighed, looking over her computer.
"Okayy.. room thirty-two. Visiting hours only last until 7-"
Butters didn't even let her finish her sentence. He darted off, feeling eyes on him. He didn't care.
He ran past countless rooms before he reached room thirty-two. He sighed, stopping in front of the door. Stan, Kyle, and Cartman must've visited him already since it was already later in the day.
He slowly opened the door to Kenny's hospital room.
There lay Kenny, sleeping in a hospital bed. His parka was off and he was in a hospital gown. His blonde hair was matted, and Butters noticed that there were bandages around Kenny's wrists. He also took note that Kenny's stomach was also heavily bandaged. He gasped.
Kenny must've tried to stab himself. It was all his fault.
He slowly walked to the side of the hospital bed. He noticed many flowers and get well cards on the desks nearby.
Kenny was still unconscious. Butters drew in a breath.
"I-im so sorry, Ken.."
He murmured, running his hand through Kenny's hair.
Suddenly, Butters did something. He didn't know why he did it. He just did without thinking.
He leaned over and kissed Kenny on the cheek softly, quickly regretting what he did.
He was so lucky nobody saw that.

Butters stayed by Kenny's side for around an hour, still thinking about what he had did. Why did he do that?! He didn't like Kenny. Right?
He realized visitors' hours were almost over, so he reluctantly turned around. Kenny was still unconscious.
As he was walking away; he suddenly heard a weak voice.
Butters quickly turned around, rushing to his side.
Butters quickly took hold of Kenny's hand, looking into his eyes.
"You.. you could've told me things were this bad. I-i had no idea."
Tears welled in Kenny's sky blue eyes.
"I'm sorry, Butters. It's just.. it's just.." Kenny looked somewhat afraid and miserable. "I'm sorry, Butters."
Butters became even more nervous at this. He could tell that Kenny was hiding something, but decided not to push it.
"You don't need to be sorry, bud. Just promise me you'll never do that again."
Kenny sighed; remaining silent.
Butters was about to say something, when a doctor came in.
"Visiting hours are over." The doctor called.
Butters nodded, sighing as the doctor left the room.
"I guess that's goodbye for today, Ken."
Butters started his way out of the room, but was stopped before he could even take a step.
Butters turned around, baffled.
Suddenly, Kenny pulled Butters into a quick kiss, smiling.
"Bye, Butters."
Butters could feel his face heating up. He stammered a few inaudible words before rushing out, squealing.
As he made his way out, he couldn't believe what had happened. Kenny had kissed him. He played with his knuckles nervously, the topic on his mind as he made his way home, the blizzard seeming to cease to a stop.

As he got home, his parents seemed worried. He quickly reassured them that he just wanted to visit Kenny. He was surprised that they didn't ground him. Butters' guessed they felt sorry, knowing what had happened. He quickly ran up to his room, getting ready for bed. He giggled as he thought of what Kenny had did earlier, and it kept him up for an extra twenty minutes as he lay in bed, thinking about Kenny..

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