' 8 . Stay With Me .. '

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Butters stood at the top of the building, looking down in shock. Kenny hit the concrete, a sickening amount of blood pooling around him. People who were out heading back towards their car from a late night trip to the bar seemed to notice Kenny. They screamed loudly, one of them pulling out their phone and calling 911.
Butters rushed down, heading back down the stairs. He rushed out of the front door. More people who were working late-night shifts in the buildings around them seemed to hear the commotion, running out to see what was going on. A small crowd formed around Kenny.
Butters pushed through the people, running to Kenny's body.
"No no.. please no.."
He knelt down, holding Kenny in his arms.
He heard sirens in the distance, but didn't pay attention to them.
People around them were talking and murmuring, but Butters was only focused on Kenny.
"Stay with me.. stay with me.." Butters wailed. Kenny was unconscious, barely breathing. Kenny's blood was all over Butters, but he didn't care. He sobbed. , the sirens getting closer..
"I'm so sorry, Ken.."
Butters continued sobbing, ignoring the bystanders around him.
He barely noticed as an ambulance and a few cop cards pulled in.
Numerous paramedics stepped through the crowd, kneeling down near Kenny.
"We're gonna need everyone to step back!"
Butters sobbed, staying where he was.
"Sorry, kid, but we're gonna need you to step back."
Butters sobbed. One of the paramedics had to basically pull him away.
He watched as Kenny was loaded onto a stretcher, into an ambulance. Butters rushed to get in the back of the ambulance with him. Luckily, nobody protested.
The ambulance shortly took off. Butters was left with Kenny and two doctors, who began working on him.
Butters didn't want to watch.
Once again, he could've prevented this all.
This was the second time Kenny had tried to kill himself.
Butters started silently crying. He wished he could fix all of Kenny's problems. He wished Kenny would talk to him about his feelings instead of bottling them up until it was too late.
Suddenly, there was some commotion. The heart monitor was acting strangely. Kenny's heart rate seemed to speed up, then slow down. The doctors began urgently shouting to each other, leaving Butters in a panic.
One of the doctors injected a needle into Kenny, and it seemed to be back to normal after a few long moments.
Butters heaved a sigh of relief, and the doctors went back to taking notes. Kenny was unconscious, and Butters took note of how slow his heart rate was.


It wasn't long before they reached the hospital. It was the middle of the night, but it seemed to be just as crowded. Butters followed along as they wheeled Kenny out of the ambulance, into the emergency room.
As they reached a room, some of the doctors who had followed along had shook their heads, sighing.
"You'd better wait in the waiting room, kid." A doctor said.
Butters almost protested, but decided against it.
He sulked to the waiting room, which wasn't too far away. He noticed that Kenny's mother was already waiting in the waiting room, with Kenny's older brother, Kevin. It was late at night so Karen must've been at home, sleeping.
He noticed that Stan, Kyle and Cartman were there as well.
Someone must've called them.
Butters took a seat next to Kenny's mom at first, attempting to comfort her. She was hysterically crying. Kevin seemed upset, looking down.
"I-im sorry about Kenny, miss.." Butters murmured, trying not to cry himself. He was probably feeling worse than Kenny's mother did. He could've easily prevented this.
"Y-you couldn't have known, dear." Kenny's mom stammered, still sobbing.
Butters was about to reply, but it looked like Kenny's mom just wanted to be left alone. He slowly got up from his seat, taking a seat next to Stan, Kyle and Cartman. Butters felt the anger and resentment building up inside of him. They had ignored his texts and brushed it off when they knew it was serious. He was the only one making an effort to make sure Kenny was okay.
Butters tried to keep the hatred inside of him silent, knowing that this was his fault as well.
"H-hey, fellas.." Butters said, an upset tone in his voice.
The three looked upset, Stan tearing up. Kyle was avoiding eye contact with Butters, and Cartman looked somewhat troubled but still looked snarky as usual.
Stan was the first to speak.
"About Kenny, dude.. seriously, we didn't know.. we didn't know it was this bad."
Butters held himself from rolling his eyes. He had texted the three about it before Kenny attempted to kill himself again, and none of them seemed to be taking it seriously.
Butters sighed, nodding. "I tried to stop him.."
Kyle nodded. "Dude, it's on the news. Everyone at school probably knows or will know by tomorrow."
Butters wasn't so surprised at this. There were a lot of people in the town who witnessed that.
Butters was about to continue the conversation, but suddenly a doctor came out and started speaking.

"Anyone who is willing can visit Kenny McCormick."

Talk To Me . . [ A Bunny Fanfic. ] (kennyxbutters)Where stories live. Discover now