' 11 . The Beach .. '

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In the morning, Butters had gotten up, and quickly put on the clothes he had prepared the previous night.
He had put all of the materials he would need for the beach in a small backpack he always used for short trips.
He looked at the clock. It was already ten thirty.
Suddenly, Butters had heard his phone vibrate once again, indicating that he had received a text message.
He quickly checked his phone.
It was Kenny.
"Hey, dude! I'm ready. I was wondering if I could stay at your house while we wait for your mom to drive us."
Butters smiled at this, his heart speeding up. He felt his face heating up as well. He quickly responded back.
"Well, sure, Ken! She's almost ready anyway."
Just as Butters put his phone down, Kenny responded. Butters picked his phone up, gazing upon the message.
"Okay! See you there ❤️"
A heavy blush formed on Butters' face as he saw the heart emoji. He quickly texted back, throwing his phone down afterward and squealing.
Why was he feeling this way?

Around five minutes later, Butters heard a knock at the door. He ran downstairs and opened the front door, seeing Kenny. He didn't have his parka on. He had a short sleeved white shirt on, with orange shorts and black sandals. Butters noticed bracelets around Kenny's wrists, which mostly consisted of their friendship brackets. Butters smiled, pulling Kenny in a tight embrace.
He smiled, his face going slightly red.
"Are you excited, Ken, because I know I am!" Butters excitedly commented as he walked him inside.
"For sure! It's been a while since I've been to the beach. I'm so glad im going with you."
Butters felt the familiar pang of fuzziness in his chest, but shook it off.

Kenny and Butters sat on the couch, talking about exciting things. They shared laughs and jokes. Butters noticed that he had only seen Kenny this happy when they were alone. Butters himself wasn't as happy with anyone else.
Eventually, Butters' mom came out, smiling at the boys.
"Are you two ready?" She asked.
Butters excitedly got up, taking Kenny's hand.
His mom seemed to take notice of how the two were holding hands, but didn't say anything.
She led them out of the front door, getting into the car.
Kenny and Butters got in the back of the car, the two becoming more excited as she started to drive.

Butters and Kenny spoke to each other all the way there, their bond seeming to grow stronger by the minute.
Eventually, Butters' mom pulled up to the boardwalk, smiling as she unlocked the doors.
"I'll be here to pick you kids up in a few hours. Here's some money. You guys can get some food."
Butters' mom handed Butters thirty dollars.
"Have fun!"
Kenny and Butters hastily nodded, running off while holding hands. Once they reached the boardwalk, they saw that it was kind of crowded. It didn't matter tho.
"Oh! Ken! Should we go and get pizza before we go to the beach?"
Kenny seemed excited at that statement. Butters knew it had been a while since Kenny had pizza.
"Yeah, let's go!"
Kenny giggled, and they both ran to the nearest pizza place.
They walked in, and were seated. They both sat next to each other, giggling.
Once they ordered the slice of pizza they wanted, they started talking on once again, laughing and joking about things.

They finished eating, quickly paying. They hastily ran out of the pizza place, hands still intertwined.
They easily found the beach, smiling.
"We're here!"
Kenny took Butters hand, running towards the water. They quickly dropped everything off at a point in the sand where nobody seemed to be, continuing their run to the water afterward.
Once they got in the water, Butters squealed.
"It's so cold!" Butters laughed.
Kenny giggled.
"Just come in!"
Butters hesitated, but before he could do it on his own, Kenny pulled him deeper into the water.
Butters screamed, laughing. "I'll get you!"
He splashed Kenny. Kenny squealed, splashing Butters back.
They had a bit of a water fight, giggling and facing waves.
This was the happiest any of the two of them had been for a while.

The sun started to set, painting the sky a beautiful orange. However, it was not quite time for them to leave. Kenny and Butters eventually got tired, getting out of the water together.
They both walked to the place where they kept their stuff.
'Their stuff' mostly consisted of Butters' belongings, Kenny didn't bring much.
However, Butters didn't say anything about that, lying down his beach towel on the sand.
He noticed that Kenny didn't bring one.
Butters smiled.
"It's okay if you didn't bring a towel, Ken! We can share a blanket."
Butters blushed while speaking that sentence, quickly looking down.
To his suprise, Kenny agreed without hesitation.
Butters got on one side of the blanket, and Kenny got on the other. They began talking as they lied down, looking into eachother's eyes. Their eyes grew heavier and their speech growing slower.
They slowly fell asleep with smiles on their faces, facing each other.

Butters awoke with a gasp.
It was getting late already.
As he tried to get up, he noticed that Kenny was sleeping on him, his arm stretched out so it reached his chest.
Butters couldn't help but blush at this,smiling. He realized it might have been past seven thirty. He gently removed Kenny from off of him, grabbing his phone from the bag and checking the time.
They didn't have much time.
Butters softly shook Kenny awake.
"Oh.. hey, Butters!" Kenny smiled.
Butters smiled back.
"We gotta hurry. My mom's almost here!"
Butters exclaimed, fidgeting with his knuckles.
"Oh, yeah!"
Kenny said, helping Butters put everything in the bag. Once they were done, they rushed off of the beach, down the boardwalk and to the parking lot.

They had made it just in time. Butters' mom had just pulled into the parking lot.
They quickly got into the car.
"How was your time, boys?" Butters' mom asked, smiling and looking at the boys through the rearview mirror. "Good!" Butters replied enthusiastically. His mother nodded and started to drive. Kenny didn't talk much on the way home, seemingly exhausted. Butters' mom was presumably driving Kenny to his house. Butters noticed that Kenny began to fall asleep, leaning on him.
Butters smiled and blushed slightly. Luckily, his mom didn't notice this.

He had to admit it.

He was in love with Kenny McCormick.

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