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It's been 2 years since Siha and Tanmay got married .

nothing changed between siha and tanmay .

they are still strangers living in the same house, tanmay didn't consider siha as his wife, he never kisses her, they never talk , they just have little conversation which siha made, he just answers whatever she asks.

At night he fucked her and make her leave his room after that.

In these two years , Siha didn't get pregnant, she was on pills and sometimes they used protection .

Every night from the last 2 years , he fucked her imagining his late wife and moan her name.

Everything was the same, he gets  drunk daily, cries for his late wife, came home late , but he never cheated  on siha

they were a happily married couple for the world but in their house complete strangers.


In these two years ,
Siha falls in love with the tanmay despite whatever happens between them .

He doesn't consider her as his wife, moans his late wife's name every time, treats her like slut, but she loves him . Two years are enough to fall in love but Tanmay didn't feel anything for Siha , at least this is what he thinks.


She is in her 4th year of MBBS and next year she will graduate . She will be a doctor.

In these two years she realized, he will never love her , she will only be slut to him , though he doesn't slut shame her apart from during bed ,but she knows her place in his husband's life.

Slowly Saha starts giving up on her husband. She doesn't take initiative to make conversation , they don't have anything to talk about , they rarely talk .

She goes to her husband's room whenever he calls her to let out  his stress on her , she fulfills her duty as wife and then  comes back to her room , this is what is happening from the last two years.



Today was an office party. Tanmay asked Siha to come with him as it was essential to bring a partner.

For the last 2 years he has taken his secretary Poonam as his partner but this time his parents forced him to take siha , so he had to take siha .

Siha comes down after getting dressed in a short red one piece, Tanmay observes her body from top to bottom. Her long hair is reaching her ass, her wide hips and  boobs are hugging to her dress. She is looking absolutely gorgeous.

Tanmay diverted his eyes from her when he realized he is staring at her for too long

They sit in the car and he drives  to the venue .

As soon as they step out of the car , tanmay holds her hand and  says " look I bring you here only because of my parents, know your place and don't introduce yourself as my wife" and then leave her hand.

"Okay"  siha said.

She  maintained distance as they walked towards the venue , as they reached inside the party venue tanmay left siha and went to meet his friends and start drinking and enjoying themselves.

Tanmay secretary came close to siha and said " such a shame  tanmay sir didn't even give you the right to wear vermillion and nuptial chain, I feel so bad for you " she laughed and walked out .

She felt tears in her eyes, sat down on the sofa in the corner and waited for the tanmay to finish.

Tanmay came back to her at 1 am and they went home.

He asked her to come to his room, she didn't want to today. She felt like crying but she couldn't deny it. She took a bath , wore a bathrobe and went to the tanmay room.

Tanmay was standing  inside the room in a towel, his hair was wet, she saw him switching off the light, only the moonlight was the source of light in the room .

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