Chapter 1: Glory

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Glory flicked through photos in her phone, eating breakfast. Breakfast was cereal with milk. Hers was all soppy because she'd left them in the milk too long. She found a photo of her and her best friends in Talons of Peace Kindergarten. She sighed. She missed those carefree days when she could do everything with her friends. Now, she only had her brother Jambu, who wasn't even around these days. Jambu worked at the Rainforest Hospital, and came home very late.

Glory looked at the clock and almost dropped her phone in the cereal bowl. It was 8:30, and school started at 8:50!! She ran upstairs and threw on a half-sleeved shirt and faded blue jeans and battered tennis shoes. Grabbing her phone, she ran downstairs. Thankfully, Glory had a car. She grabbed her bag and her suitcase(the school was a boarding school) and sped off. She didn't want to look bad in front of people she barely knew! As she drove, she thought about Jade Mountain High.

She only knew Liana, who turned senior this year and would graduate next April. Liana was going to work as a doctor in the Rainforest Hospital, just like Jambu. In fact, Glory was pretty sure they'd work in the same department. As she thought about Jambu and Liana's jobs, Glory neared the school.

She could see lots of students milling around the main entrance. She parked her car and grabbed her stuff and started walking towards the entrance. Suddenly, a blue blur crashed into her. "What the-?" shouted Glory. "Watch where you're going!" cried the blue blur. As her vision slowly cleared, Glory saw that the girl had dark blue hair mixed with streaks of sea green, and greenish-blue eyes. She felt deja vu. She had seen this girl before, but she couldn't really place where. Glory thought hard for a moment. "TSUNAMI!!" she cried, hugging the girl tightly. "Glory......?" the girl responded tentatively. "It's me! Your best friend from Talons of Peace kindergarten!" Glory exclaimed in delight. "It really is you! Wow, you've really changed since then. Love your clothes, by the way." replied Tsunami. "Thanks!" They hugged again.

"Did you get your schedule yet?" asked Tsunami to Glory. "My.....what?" "Your schedule, which has all your classes and roommates written on them." "Let's go get them. First period starts in 9 minutes." They ran to the entrance.

A girl with dark skin and pearl white hair was handing out the schedules near the door. Tsunami went up and the girl said, "Tsunami.....hmm.....oh! You're Tsunami Pearl, right?" She handed her a schedule. As Glory waited for the girl to find her schedule, she admired the school building's structure. Massive columns held up the roof, and a stone dragon acted as a weathervane on top of a tower. "Here you go, Glory Rain." the girl's voice snapped Glory out of her thoughts.

As they walked inside the building, they discovered that they were in the same tower. "Destiny Tower, hello!" cried Tsunami. Glory smiled. When she had thought she would have no friends here at Jade Mountain, she had run into Tsunami! They reached the tower entrance. "What room are you in?" As Tsunami made a swipe for her schedule, Glory saw a girl with fiery red hair pulled up in a messy bun and weird, hypnotizing blue eyes walk into the tower adjacent to theirs. The plaque next to it read, "Prophecy Tower". The last one read "Prediction Tower".

Tsunami was in room 505, and Glory was in room 201. As Glory unpacked, a girl with short yellow hair and bangs streaked with red and green entered the room. "Hi! I'm Sunny!"said the girl. "My name's Glory,"said Glory. "Glory...Don't I know yo-OH! WE WENT TO TALONS OF PEACE KINDERGARTEN TOGETHER!"cried Sunny. "Oh! Sunny! It's so good to see you! Do you know Tsunami is in Destiny Tower too?"said Glory ecstatically. "Yup. Saw her when I came here. Her roommate's a girl named Fatespeaker."answered Sunny. "So cool. What a coincidence. Besides, I saw Starflight as I came up. Also a cute boy too, but that's not important."

Sunny and Glory made their way towards Tsunami's room. As they approached, they could hear someone saying, "Oooooh, I see another future. One where I get top bunk!". Then Tsunami's voice said, "No way. Visions don't exist. And neither do mind reading powers, although you don't insist you have them." They knocked on the door. Tsunami greeted them with a 'HELP ME!' kind of look.

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