Chapter 3: Blue

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POV 3 Blue Anglis

Blue woke up to the sound of his sister, Luna singing out loud. Luna wasn't a bad singer, but why the heck was she SINGING AT 6:00 IN THE MORNING? "Luna!" he shouted. "Some people would like to SLEEP at six o' clock, especially since it's the first day of school for them!" he yelled again. "Oh come on, little brother," said Luna, as she ran into his room and jumped up and down on the corner of his bed. Blue groaned and threw a pillow at her. Luna caught it and grinned. "Your throwing skills are no match for mine."

As Blue and Luna walked downstairs for breakfast, Blue heard his moms, Silverspot and Burnet talking to each other. He caught snippets of words like 'preparations', and 'have to prepare for the event'. "Good morning," Burnet greeted him and Luna. "Pancakes with honey!" cried Luna. "A surprise for your first day of school!" said Silverspot. "I heard Io and Swordtail go to Jade Mountain High too," said Burnet. "Really?" asked Luna, wolfing down her pancakes.

On the way to school, Blue flicked through videos on his phone. Then, a message came from Swordtail.

SWORD+TAIL: Blue! Where'ya at?

BLUE BEAN: Almost there! Where are you?

SWORD+TAIL: In front of the gates!! Meet us there!

LUNAAAAA: So excited! Hope there's art class!

The moment Blue and Luna neared the school gates, Blue saw a blue-and-orange blur whirling towards them, followed by Io. The blur yelled, "BLUE! LUNA!". "Swordtail, is it?" said Blue. "Definitely," replied Luna. "Guys!" said Swordtail, having approached them. "Did you get your schedules yet?" he asked. "No, where can we get them?" asked Luna. "There, by the girl with dark skin and white hair," said Io.

"Hi, you are...." "Blue Anglis," replied Blue to the girl''s question. "Okay, here's your schedule. Enjoy your year at Jade Mountain High!" she said in a high voice. Having somehow been separated from Luna and the others, he walked towards the assumed direction of the dormitory towers.

While he was walking, a girl with dark orange hair and gold-rimmed glasses holding several books bumped into him. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" the girl cried, fixing her glasses. "No, I'm more sorry!" said Blue. "I was wondering if you could show me the way to the dormitories?, Or specifically, Prediction Tower?" he asked. "Just go straight, and turn left there, and turn right soon after," she answered. "I'm Cricket Ruche, by the way. And you are?"

"Blue Anglis." replied Blue. "Nice name!" said Cricket. "Thanks," said Blue sheepishly. "Wait! I'm in Prediction Tower. Maybe we could meet?" asked Cricket tentatively. "Sure, said Blue, surprised. "I'm in Room 501. You?" asked Blue. "Um... I'm in Room 702." replied Cricket.

Blue found that they had already arrived at the entrance of Prediction Tower. He wondered how time had flown by so fast. He entered Room 501, and found a boy unpacking his bags. The boy looked up and said, "Hi! My name's Typhoon Icesea, what's yours?". "My name's Blue Anglis," replied Blue. "I'm so excited for the new year!" said Typhoon. "Oh, by the way, you can call me Ty if you want to."

"Um, okay," said Blue, not knowing how to respond to this extremely lively boy. "My first class is mathematics, how about you?" he asked. "Oh! I have gym class," replied Typhoon. Then, the bell signaling the start of first period rang, and Blue ran out of the dorm before Typhoon could say anything more. With a breath of relief, he ran straight to the mathematics classroom.

He saw two boys and three girls, and a man with pure white hair already inside the classroom. "Hello. Your name?" asked the man. "Blue Anglis," replied Blue. "Your seat is there," said the man, pointing to a seat next to the window, next to a girl with light green hair neatly braided. "Hi, I'm Willow," said the girl. "I've heard you're Blue Anglis?" Blue nodded. "The man over there is Mr. Hvitur. He's one of the nicest teachers out of the whole employees," said Willow, smiling. "Really?" asked Blue. "Well, I haven't met any others yet, but my older sister, Cobra Lily told me so. She's a sophomore this year. Students sophomore and above get to miss the first period," said Willow.

The door flew open, and a boy with black hair dyed orange in patches walked in. "Hi, I'm Bombardier," said the boy. "Yes, yes. You can save your introduction for later. Your seat is over there." said Mr. Hvitur. Bombardier went and sat down. The seat next to him was empty. "Did the bell ring?" Mr. Hvitur asked the students. "Yes," answered a girl with dark green hair with gold streaks in them. "The others are probably still unpacking," said Willow.

The girl with gold streaks grinned at Willow.

After some considerable time had passed, students began filing in. Blue found that Cricket was in the same class as him, and smiled at her. Cricket sat two rows down from him, next to a girl with green hair. "Now, now, let's start the lesson," said Mr. Hvitur, banging his fist on the podium.

"We'll start with a basic understanding of the concept of math and its origin." began the professor. He droned on for what felt like hours to Blue when a series of loud knocks came from the door. Mr. Hvitur opened the door, and a woman wearing a green suit entered. What was with the people in this school and green? wondered Blue.

The woman introduced herself as Principal Sequoia, and talked about a few events that were taking place this year. Blue couldn't help himself from nodding off a few times during her announcement. Every time he did so, Willow poked him in the arm. If nothing, the pain kept Blue awake. After she left, Mr. Hvitur gave the students their homework( solve the problems for page 4 to 7), and dismissed them.

Willow immediately headed toward the girl who had smiled at her earlier, yelling something that sounded like "SNUDOOOO". Blue headed for Cricket, but Bombardier from earlier was already talking to her, so he just walked to his dorm and lied down.

After some classes, lunch break finally came. Blue walked towards the cafeteria with Typhoon, who was chatting about his gym class earlier and how the teacher was SO MEAN.

Once in the cafeteria, Blue joined the lunch line and saw Cricket at an empty table, reading a weathered book with a red cover. He made a mental note to join her. "A salad and honey bread with milk, please," he said to the lunch lady. "We don't have honey," said the lunch lady. "Oh, then I'll have toast, please," said Blue. After he had got his lunch, he sat down across from Cricket.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked. "Well, you've already sat down, so I can't say no," replied Cricket with a smile. As Blue dug in, he saw Willow from his mathematics class with the girl with golden streaks in her hair looking around for a seat. "Mind if they sit here?" he asked Cricket. "Not at all," said Cricket. Blue walked towards them and invited them to join them. They accepted gratefully.

"My name's Willow, and this girl is Sundew, also known as my girlfriend," said Willow. "Nice to meet you. I'm Cricket," said Cricket. "What book is that?" asked Sundew. " 'A study of plants'," said Cricket. "Cool. Can I borrow it when you're done?" said Sundew. "Sure," answered Cricket.

They ate their lunches and headed for their dorms, and found out that they were all in the same dorm tower, Prediction Tower. After they separated, Blue flopped on his stomach on his bed, and opened his mathematics textbook, and began to do his homework. He had gotten a certain amount of work done, including his science and debate, when Typhoon came in, humming a song Blue didn't recognize.

The bell rang and they each headed to their classes. Blue entered the history classroom, and sat down next to Cricket. They started chatting immediately about constellations. The teacher, Mr. Webs came in, and started talking. "This class, you guys will be working together with sophomores. When I call your name, your sophomore partner will come and find you. First up, Blue Anglis!" he called. "You'll be working with Swordtail Queue," like that, he called all of the students. Cricket got to work with his sister, Luna.

"So what should we do for our project?" asked Swordtail. "I dunno, maybe butterflies' Metamorphosis?" said Blue thoughtfully. "Sure!" cried Swordtail, pumping his fist up and down. "Let's get started!" 

1443 words! The number of words are SlOwly ShRiNkInG....

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