Chapter 7: The Dance(Part 1)

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Sunny jumped up and down. Today was the day of the dance, and she and Glory were doing each other's hair. "Stop jumping, you'll burn all of my hair," laughed Glory. "Aww, not fair," mumbled Sunny. "It is fair if it involves BURNING MY HAIR," said Glory. "Okay," said Sunny. Tsunami laughed from the corner of the room, rolling on Sunny's bed. "Stop it, you'll ruin your makeup, and MY BED," said Sunny warningly.

"Who are you going with again?" asked Tsunami. "I'm going with Meerkat," said Sunny. "Starflight's roommate?" suggested Glory. "Oh!" Tsunami finally remembered. "And Glory's going with Deathbringer, and you with Riptide," added Sunny. At the same time as Glory said "I can speak for myself, thank you," Tsunami said "I think I would know who I'm going with, thank you very much."

"Anyway, Glory's done!" cried Sunny jovially. "Thank you, for styling it and not burning it," said Glory. In reverse, she did Sunny's hair. It was the same style that she had done on the first day of school. "It's kind of simple, isn't it?" asked Tsunami, whose hair was done up in a cascading bun. "That's the look we're going for," replied Glory. "But here, see the red streaks she has?" asked Glory. "Today, there's going to be a layer of gray beside them," she continued. "WHAT?" shrieked Sunny. "Sorry, before this, we agreed that all hair credits go to the other," said Glory calmly.

With a muffled sob, Sunny let Glory dye her hair gray. "That's better," said Tsunami. "Not that much simple, anymore." "Now, let's see you guys in your dresses!" ordered Tsunami. "Yes, mom," muttered Glory. Tsunami scowled. "Guys, let's not fight on the day of the dance!" said Sunny quickly. Tsunami and Glory agreed.

They changed into their dresses, and sat down on Sunny's bed to look at their phones. "It's almost 7:00, we should go," said Sunny, putting her phone in her bag.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, it had been completely renovated. The tables and chairs were gone, and in their place, there was a long table packed with snacks and punch glasses. The punch was filled in a gigantic grandfather clock. The trick to drinking it was to tug the chime.

Fatespeaker was already there, chatting to a girl Sunny didn't recognize. Lots of other people were there too. The senior triplets Burn, Blister, and Blaze weren't present, except for the fashion craze, Blaze. The door opened, and Kinkajou, Glory's sister, walked in with Tsunami's brother, Turtle. "Did you see that?" Sunny nudged Tsunami. "What?" Tsunami spun, and saw her brother. "Oh yeah, he's supposed to take care of Anemone- THAT'S NOT ANEMONE!"

"Calm down, Anemone's already here, and maybe Turtle asked Kinkajou," said Sunny, in an attempt to calm Tsunami down. It didn't work, as Riptide walked in with Starflight next. They immediately came over to them, with their eyes full of something like pity as they looked at Sunny. "Hi, guys. Where's Meerkat?" asked Sunny. Riptide hesitated, then said with Starflight, "Meerkat isn't coming."


Starflight sighed. Seeing the look of shock and betrayal on Sunny's face, he wished he could rip Meerkat to pieces. If only he had known that Meerkat would not come, if only he had asked Sunny to the dance first! Unfortunately, he had accepted Fatespeaker's request. "Hey, Starflight!" cried Fatespeaker jovially. "Hey," he mumbled. He saw Sunny on her phone, frantically calling someone out of the corner of his eye. "Why won't he answer?" he saw Sunny snarl. Sunny and Meerkat's quick friendship had been wobbly lately, he thought. He had seen them fighting quite often, though. But it didn't matter now. Sunny was heartbroken, and he could do nothing about it.

He chided himself for mulling over Sunny, and turned to Fatespeaker. "Um, do you want to dance?" he asked her. "Sure!" Fatespeaker answered with great enthusiasm. They earned a few glares from the people around them, and Starflight realized, with great shock, that he had asked Fatespeaker to dance when Sunny didn't have anyone. He could do nothing now, and Fatespeaker seemed oblivious to the glares.

Luckily, Clay was by their side, trying to comfort Sunny with no success, so there was no music. He assumed Sunny would leave. Should he leave too? "Oh, poor Sunny!" exclaimed Fatespeaker. Having made up his mind, Starflight hurried towards Sunny and put his arms around her. Sunny had tears falling out of the corner of her eyes. She stood in his embrace for a moment, then slowly pulled away. Starflight saw that Fatespeaker was scowling. He sighed internally. Couldn't he do something without making any of them upset?

"Do you want to get boba?" Starflight asked Sunny. "Sure," mumbled Sunny. She was quite smaller than him, so her head was partly buried in his chest. "Won't Fatespeaker be upset?" Sunny whispered in his ear. He sighed. "What should I do?" he muttered under his breath. Then his phone chimed. It was Glory. It read, "Then take both of them, or EVEN BETTER, ALL OF US TO THE BOBA SHOP! Minus Clay, of course, b/c he's the DJ."

Starflight felt an immediate rush of gratitude for Glory. "Won't all of you guys come to get boba?" he asked. "BOBA!" cried Clay, jumping up and down on his feet. "Mr. Cutter? Is all of the music prepared?" asked Mr. Webs, who was one of the chaperones. "Yeah, I forgot how funny your name was," said Tsunami. "Clay Cutter," she sniggered. "It's rude to make fun of others' names," said Mr. Webs. "Yes, sir," said Tsunami. "Haven't changed since kindergarten," Mr. Webs mumbled in a voice so low that Starflight could barely hear it.


Qibli moaned and flopped down on the carpet of the Scorpion Den, a book cafe owned by his stepmother, Thorn Sandstorm. Soon, she would come and yell at him for lying on the carpet. Thorn did not disappoint. "QIBLI!" she barked. "If you're going to just lie around on the carpet, go to the dance!"

"I don't have a partner, unlike Sunny!" he yelled back, tears stinging his eyes for no reason. "Then go get one, or buy back boba!" Thorn yelled back. "Fine!" Qibli rolled towards the door, and ran out in the direction of the door. "I'll get a freaking partner!" he cried. He ran straight into his car, and flopped down on the back seat. Moon floated across his thoughts. It annoyed him. He tried to find the reason why, and then he found the reason.

He was angry that he hadn't asked Moon to the dance. He was annoyed that she was going to Atlanta to visit her friends. He sighed. He decided to call Ostrich, a girl whose father worked at the Outclaw cafe. They had hung out together when she was waiting for her father to finish, and when Qibli was working.

Ostrich didn't answer. With a sigh, he headed to the boba store. He saw Sunny and her group of friends in front of the store, waiting for their orders. They were still in their dresses and stuff. It made him wonder if the dance was canceled. As he walked up, Tsunami greeted him with a 'Hey, Qibli. Don't bother Sunny right now' look. Being a good little friend, he went to bother Sunny.

Sunny was in the arms of Glory. Starflight was standing nearby. Fatespeaker was barely hiding a scowl. Glory was stone-faced. Deathbringer was sitting in a chair, watching his phone. Tsunami and Riptide were fiddling with their thumbs. Sunny's partner, Meerkat was nowhere to be seen. He tapped Sunny on the shoulder. "Hi Qibli," muttered Sunny. "What's the problem?" asked Qibli with concern. "Meerkat didn't come," said Sunny. "He freaking what?" cried Qibli.

1301 words! Thank you for 200 reads, and the comments, and votes! Please like and comment!


smiley_faxx :D

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