Chapter 10: Tsunami

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 Tsunami was furious. She was going to rip that Meerkat dude's head off. How dare he betray Sunny like that? She snarled again. She brushed her hair and put on a blue hoodie over a white t-shirt, then she put on ripped black jeans and she wore white sandals. Her roommate, Fatespeaker, wasn't there, so she went to class early. Probably went to see Starflight. She snorted at the thought of Fatespeaker and Starflight. Starflight kind of fits the description of being alone.

She stalked to literature, and slammed her books down on her desk. She watched the door intently, not even noticing when Sunny came and sat down next to her. Finally, Meerkat came in. She stood up, as Meerkat rushed over to them. "You," she said under her breath. Meerkat gulped. "Listen, I can explain," he started

Sunny slammed her books down on her desk and stood up. Tsunami tried not to show it, but she was really surprised. Sunny went over to Meerkat and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Where are you going?" demanded the teacher. Sunny ignored her and dragged Meerkat out of the room.

Tsunami heard Sunny screaming something at Meerkat, and then a slapping noise. Then they both entered the classroom. Sunny calmly sat down next to Tsunami, breathing heavily through her nose. Meerkat was far behind, cupping his cheek in both hands. Tsunami smirked. Meerkat tossed a note towards them. It read, "See you later, I can explain!". "Well, are you going to listen to him?" Tsunami asked Sunny. Sunny shook her head. "Do you think I should?" she asked worriedly. "Let's discuss it with Glory later," suggested Tsunami.

Class was finished. Tsunami walked towards her locker, and threw her literature book inside. Next was her would-be favorite class, gym. It was perfect, the subject, but the teacher was not. Ms. Kestrel was... very annoying. She scowled whenever her students did something right, and when they did something wrong, she hit them with her cane. Starflight had many occasions when he came to lunch with bruise marks all over his arms.

Gym was dodgeball, because Ms. Kestrel was absent and Mr. Webs took over. Tsunami caught lots of balls, and she had fun. When class was finished, she was heading to the locker room to change when Riptide Webs walked towards her. Tsunami had heard that he was the son of Mr. Webs, and that was the reason that he didn't have a class with him in it. So lucky. Mr. Webs was always droning on and on.

While she was having these thoughts about Mr. Webs, Riptide tapped her on the shoulder. She whirled around, and accidentally whipped him in the face with her ponytail. She flushed. "Sorry!" she cried. Riptide grinned. "It's okay," he said reassuringly. "I just wanted to say that... um, I'd like to know you more."

"Um, ok," said Tsunami. "So, do you want to go to a cafe on Saturday and catch up on homework and get to know each other?" asked Riptide. "Sure," said Tsunami, blushing furiously. Her mind was blowing up, and her brain had just short-circuited. Starflight and Clay slyly came up behind him and put their hands on Riptide's shoulders. Glory came to Tsunami's side. "What happened?" asked Glory. "Why has Tsunami changed into a human tomato?" she demanded. Sunny, who was behind them, cried, "Tsunami just got her love life confirmed!"

"One, two, three!" shouted Starflight and Clay. "Prank!" shouted the boys. They burst out in laughter, except for Riptide. "WHAT?!" barked Tsunami. "Sorry, these people that I really wish I didn't know right now are very crazy," explained Riptide apologetically. Tsunami let out a mouthful of air.

Sunny frowned. "Starflight wouldn't do that," she said, confused. "Yes, he would," grinned Clay. "Sorry, Sunny," smiled Starflight. "I was bored, so this seemed like the most logical thing to do," he explained. "Well, it's certainly hard to argue with that," smirked Glory.

"So, will you go with me?" asked Riptide, making Tsunami's heart stop once again. "Fine," she said reluctantly. Riptide grinned. "PRank- just kidding," he said, as if seeing a

weird look on her face. Sunny squealed and Glory smiled.

"Now, let's leave them to be," said Glory slyly. "No! Don't go!" pleaded Tsunami, but it was useless. Her friends disappeared as fast as they had come. "Want to talk?" asked Riptide, but Tsunami had already run off to the girls' locker room.

She was already thinking about Riptide when she took her following classes, and when she flopped down on her bed, and it helped when she listened to Fatespeaker's endless chatter about why Starflight wouldn't like her, and when Fatespeaker told her about her supposedly 'prophetic' dreams. She didn't really care, and couldn't see why she should. She was too busy thinking about what she would wear when she met Riptide.

When Glory called her to come over to her room, she almost floated towards their room. She had fun with Glory and Sunny, and when Fatespeaker came over, they chatted like they'd been best friends for life.

Wrote Chapter 10! Today is finals, I'm writing this, and its 1 am. Lol

Melon1the1Rainwing gave the idea for this, so this is dedicated.

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