Chapter 2: Qibli

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POV 2 Qibli Sandstorm

Qibli walked up the steps of Prophecy Tower. He looked around for Room 601. As he slowly walked towards it, he heard voices coming from the room directly next to it. He peeked into Room 509, and saw a boy with seaweed-green hair pinning down a boy with purplish-dark hair on the floor. He passed by, not eager to interrupt. He entered Room 601, and saw an albino sitting on a bed, petting a cat with grayish-dark stripes. The albino looked up and scowled at him, saying "My roommate is you?" in an annoyed tone. "Yup." said Qibli, feeling slightly hurt. "Ugh," sighed the albino. "I'm Winter, and I enjoy my personal space, which means that it would be just fine if you would be quiet. Lastly, this cat is Bandit." said Winter. "Umm, okay. "said Qibli. "But we'd better hurry, because we do have a second period, and it starts in about... seven minutes," he added quickly. "WHAT?" shouted Winter, jumping up from the bed, grabbing his book. "Stay here, Bandit,"said Winter. "Well, what are you waiting for?" he asked Qibli. "Let's go."

As they neared the debate classroom, Qibli saw that the classroom was nearly full with students. He slipped into a seat, and looked around, counting the number of the students. There were seven in total. That moment, a person with messy bluish-green hair walked in, and slammed his binder file on the podium in front of the class. "In this period, we're going to learn about how to debate, and how to make long speeches. By the time this semester is over, you students should be able to debate quite well. Also, my name is Webs." he said in a monotone. "Let's start with introducing yourselves, and then we're going to go over how you're going to study this semester. Let's start with you over there," he said, pointing to a girl with bright yellow hair with pink streaks.

"Okay!" the girl said brightly. Qibli studied her closely. She seemed kind of insecure, he thought, and she seemed very bubbly. How he could know that without actually getting to know her, she didn't know. "My name is Kinkajou, and I have an older sister, who's a sophomore. Also, my older brother works in the Rainforest Hospital. My favorite color is yellow, and my hobby is shipping!" the girl said in a high tone. "Shipping?" asked a boy with dark, emerald green hair. "What's that?" "Well, shipping is when a person plays matchmaker!" said Kinkajou. "Oh." said the boy. "Finished, Kinkajou?" asked Mr. Webs. "Yes!" said Kinkajou. "Well, then, you go next." he said, pointing to a girl with raven-black hair and green eyes, with silver moon- shaped pins clipped to either side of her head. "Um, my name is Moonwatcher, but please call me Moon. I grew up near nature. I like scrolls." She made a movement, as if to say something more, but Mr.Webs had already moved on to a girl with blood-red hair, so she sat back down. "I'm Carnelian. My favorite color is red, and I extremely hate my cousin Scarlet, who acts as if she's the queen of everything. I prefer my sister Ruby compared to her. They're currently competing for the spot of the captain of the hockey team." said the girl. "Next, Umber." said Mr. Webs. "Okay, I'm Umber, and my older brother, Clay, also goes here. He's a sophomore this year. I have seven siblings, including me. Also, I like drawing." Umber gave a quick introduction of himself. "Well, I am Winter." "Dr. Glacier's nephew." Qibli said at the same time as Winter, earning a glare from the albino. "Anyway, I'm from Russia, and I have a cat named Bandit." finished Winter. "I'm Turtle." said a boy with dark greenish hair. "I like scrolls as well, but I prefer scrolls written in books. My mother is a writer, called Coral Pearl, maybe you guys know her? Lastly, my twin Anemone goes here too, as a freshman." said Turtle. Qibli felt the other kids' stares on him, and quickly said, "I'm Qibli, and my older sister Sunny goes here as a sophomore, and my foster mother, Thorn, has a book cafe called the Scorpion Den."said Qibli.

"Alright, is that all?" asked Webs. When nobody answered, he said, "We're moving on to our study schedule." He droned on about the basic format of debate, and some examples of good rebuttals, how to act in front of others(act haughty), and so on. Qibli yawned while he scrawled them down in his notebook.

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