Dragonets of Destiny play Truth or Dare

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I know I'm supposed to update Chapter 10, but I'm still writing it, so I decide to update this story that I wrote some time ago. Chapter 10 should come out about tomorrow, anyway, within this week.

(Let's' assume this is a time before Ex-Queen Scarlet found them all)

SUNNY: Kestrel! Dune! Webs! Since it's been 5 years since our hatching day, I suggest we play a scavenger game!

KESTREL: *snorts* you just said it's a scavenger game. Plus, why should we listen to you?


STARFLIGHT: hate to say this tsunami, but I agree with Kestrel this time.

TSUNAMI: what?! Seriously starflight we are going to have a talk after this

STARFLIGHT: but listen; sunny just said that it's a scavenger game. And, it's our hatching day, so I say we should all do what WE want to do.

TSUNAMI: all in favor of playing this game, raise your talons

GLORY: you haven't even told us what the game is you dimwit how do you expect us to agree to this??

SUNNY: well, if you'd just listened to me-

KESTREL: we are not playing this game.

TSUNAMI: we will be.

WEBS: it is their hatching day, so lets' just give them a chance.

SUNNY: this game is called truth or dare. When you are asked this question, you must choose one and the dragon who asked you this can choose the dare or truth-revealing question.

KESTREL: well, we already know what you're going to ask: your families and the location of this place.

GLORY: so just choose dare

DUNE: okay I'll start

THE DRAGONETS OF DESTINY: finally...........

DUNE: kestrel, truth or dare?

KESTREL: *growls* dare, I guess

DUNE: *secretly grins to himself* yes!

DUNE: I dare you to hang upside down from a stalagmite until this game ends

KESTREL: *growls even harder* fine

KESTREL: before doing that, RainWing, truth or dare?

GLORY: I'm not afraid of you, so, dare

KESTREL: ok, so find our wings of sky

GLORY: *color-shifts into skywing colors(red, orange)* FOUND

KESTREL: *goes and hangs upside down*

GLORY: Clay, truth or dare?

CLAY: umm........... truth

GLORY: *gleefully grins* what do you think of Kestrel and Dune together?

DUNE: RainWing, I could hang you just for this question

KESTREL: *tries to speak but all her blood goes to her head*

CLAY: well, they're our guardians,and I guess they're great teachers?

GLORY: *grumbles* fine

CLAY: Tsunami, truth or dare?


CLAY: ok.......so I dare you to sing the 'dragonets of destiny' song every time you finish a sentence

TSUNAMI: *nods and points at starflight*

STARFLIGHT: me...........???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TSUNAMI: *nods again* truth or dare?

TSUNAMI: *sings the dragonets of destiny song*


TSUNAMI: who do you like the most, out of all of us? *sings the song*

STARFLIGHT: *blushes* Sunny...................

SUNNY: *gasps*

STARFLIGHT: Sunny, truth or dare?

SUNNY: *still gasping* dare

STARFLIGHT: I dare you to stop gasping and thinking about what just happened before

GLORY: *snorts*

SUNNY: alright, Webs, truth or dare?

WEBS: d a r e

TSUNAMI: *whispers something in Sunny's ear*

TSUNAMI: *sings the song again*

SUNNY: okay.*giggles*

SUNNY: Webs, I dare you to confess your feelings to Kestrel

WEBS: *blinks* um...okay

WEBS: *goes up to Kestrel*

WEBS: Kestrel, I think you've been giving us way too much cow and way too less fish

TSUNAMI: agreed

KESTREL: *growls* I could claw your faces off

KESTREL: *leaps off the stalagmite* growl......................

SUNNY: let's just stop playing this its a lethal game

*the end*

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