Chapter 5: Moon(watcher)

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POV 5 Moonwatcher Solace

Moon laughed. It was lunch break, and she was sitting with Qibli, Kinkajou, and Turtle. Qibli had just told a joke. Out of these people, her favorite was probably Kinkajou. She talked a lot for both of them, so she didn't need to talk much. "So are any of your guys going to the dance?" asked Kinkajou. "Well, I don't know, " said Qibli. "I don't have anybody to go with," mumbled Moon. "Then you can go with me!" cried Kinkajou joyously. Moon saw Turtle blush out of the corner of her eye. "Ha!" barked Qibli. "Then should I go with Winter?" he joked. They all laughed. Winter, who was passing, threw an apple at Qibli's head, which he caught.

"Don't you dare," said Winter. "I already have a partner, thank you," he said coolly. "Who??" asked Kinkajou. "TELL ME!" she screamed joyously. "You can ask her yourself," said Winter. "She's in your science class," he replied. "Who was in my science class...?" Kinkajou thought aloud. "Moon, Lynx, Sora, and....," she counted on her fingers. "Hmmm, guess well," said Winter, smirking.

"Argh!" huffed Kinkajou. I'm going to find his partner, whatever it takes!" she vowed, a glint in her eyes. "The shipper awakens," said Moon, grinning. As Qibli was about to say something, the bell rang, so they all ran towards class. "What's your next class?" asked Qibli. "Moon and I have gym," replied Kinkajou. "Turtle has... gym too!" cried Kinkajou, swiping Turtle's schedule. "I have gym too," said Qibli.

They met at the gymnasium. A woman with a red bun was standing in front, holding a megaphone. "LAtE!" she barked at them, scowling. "Get inside," she snarled. They took their seats, beside a boy with azure-blue hair, and one with dark blue hair with orange streaks, and white bangs. "Hi, I'm Swordtail, and this is Blue," said the one with orange streaks conversationally. "I'm Kinkajou, but you can call me Kink," started Kinkajou. "This is Moon, Qibli, and Turtle." she continued. "Quiet!" shouted the woman. "My name is Mrs. Kestrel," she continued. "In my class, you'd better behave, and if you don't, you'll never get a chance to get a good score in gym EVER AGAIN." she said threateningly. "Mr. Webs, your debate teacher, will also teach swimming," she finished. Moon gulped. She couldn't swim.

"Anyway, you people will be playing dodgeball today," she continued. She separated the class into two groups. Moon and her friends, Blue, and Swordtail were all on the same team. A girl on the other side threw a ball, and the game started. Swordtail caught the ball that the girl had thrown, and the girl snarled. "hAhA!!!!!!" cried Swordtail, and immediately hurled the ball with such force that Moon could hear the wind that the ball caused.

They played for about an hour, and eventually, their team won. Swordtail was flying about the time the game ended. They all returned to their separate rooms, and Moon flopped down on her bed, exhausted, both mentally and physically. "Wasn't it fun?" asked Kinkajou. "No...," mumbled Moon. "We've got twenty minutes of break, let's do homework," said Kink.

They did their homework. Well, Moon did her homework, and Kinkajou flitted through the room and rooms nearby, startling Moon whenever she came inside.

The bell rang, signaling the last class of the day. For Moon, it was art, and for Kinkajou, it was literature. "See ya," called Kink, dashing out the door to meet her friend, and also cousin, Tamarin. Tamarin had light blue eyes, and she was blind. She was quite pretty, and her roommate was Anemone, the daughter of the famous fantasy writer, Coral Pearl. Pike Tide was a guy who followed Anemone just to get closer with Tamarin, from what she'd heard from Kinkajou. She hadn't yet stayed a day in school, but she already knew all the gossip, that Kink.

Moon slowly walked towards art class. When she entered, the only seat left was next to a girl with honey-colored hair she'd seen sitting next to Blue and Swordtail, and a girl with caterpillar-green hair. "Hi, I'm Cricket," said the girl conversationally, adjusting her glasses with her middle finger. Moon didn't know whether that was meant intentionally, or if it was meant for the boy who was sitting directly behind her. "Class, we're drawing this apple today," said the teacher, who introduced herself as Mrs.Orchid. Moon quickly sketched the apple with a pencil, and she picked up a paintbrush to start painting. "Wow, you're a fast drawer," said Cricket, who was trying to get the shape 'just right'.

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