Chapter 4: Starflight

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POV 4 Starflight Esprit

Starflight sighed. He had just found out that all of his friends from Talons of Peace Kindergarten attended Jade Mountain High. Sure, it was exciting. It also meant that he had met his crush from kindergarten until now. Sunny. He sighed again. He had asked her out when they were in fifth grade, in elementary school. Sunny had asked him to give her some time to think and he had accepted those words. Then Sunny had suddenly moved away with her mother, Thorn, and there hadn't been any time to get an answer.

He was now in his room, reading a textbook. Class would start in three minutes, which meant he should go to class, but his roommate, Meerkat, was nowhere to be found. He called Meerkat, and when he answered, "WHERE ARE YOU MEERKAT??" he shouted into the phone. "Oh sorry!" cried Meerkat. "I was just... making some friends," he replied.-

Meerkat ran into the room, yelling "SORRY!". "Not important, let's just get to class," replied Starflight. They grabbed their science textbooks, and rushed to the science classroom. A man with sandy hair was waiting inside. "Go and find your seats," he said, gesturing towards a paper stuck on the blackboard. Starflight found that his seat was next to Glory's, and Meerkat's was next to Sunny's. He felt a twinge of jealousy at that. He sat down, and when Glory and Sunny came in, he said hi.

He saw Sunny sitting down next to Meerkat with a wide smile on her face, and Meerkat smiling back. Then, he saw, to his surprise, Meerkat swiping for Sunny's textbook, and Sunny playfully batting his hand away. Glory poked him in his side. "Jealous much?" she teased. Starflight blushed.

"Quiet down!" barked Mr. Dune. "Did you all find your seats?" he asked, starting to call out names. Starflight found out that Tsunami and Clay were in this class too. Then Mr. Dune started to explain about atoms, and he forced his attention towards him, but he couldn't focus, because he kept seeing Sunny and Meerkat out of the corner of his eyes. The lesson, which felt like torture, finally ended, and he rushed out of the room. Glory grabbed his arm from behind. "Follow me," she whispered. Surprised, Starflight followed her out of the classroom, to a shadowed spot near the dorms. "If you like her that much, ask her to the Introductory Dance before Meerkat does!" Glory hissed to Starflight. "But what if she says no?" whispered Starflight. They saw Sunny coming towards them, and quickly broke apart. "I'll text you later," said Glory.


Starflight tensed. He had just finished a science exam, and he was just about to ask Sunny to the dance. He grabbed Glory's wrist, and dragged her towards the corner of a hallway. "What should I say to her?" he asked hurriedly. "Just say that you want to go to the dance with her," replied Glory with a sigh. "I have my matters to attend to, so,-" she was cut off by Deathbringer approaching. "Hello, my queen," said Deathbringer. "Wanna go to the dance with me?" he asked. "Bye, Starflight," said Glory, dragging Deathbringer away. "Come on, Murderbasket," she said.

Starflight smirked, and walked towards Sunny, who was just walking away from Meerkat. "Um, Sunny, can I talk to you?" he asked. "Sure," said Sunny, surprised. "Are you going to the dance?" asked Starflight. "Probably," said Sunny. "Will you go to the Introductory Dance with me?" said Starflight. "I....I'm so sorry, Starflight," mumbled Sunny. "Someone already asked me, and I accepted." "Oh,..." said Starflight. As Sunny walked away, he asked, "Sunny?". When she didn't answer, he shouted, "SUNNY!". Sunny whirled around, her bangs spinning wildly. "Who are you going with?" asked Starflight. "Meerkat," answered Sunny. "O-okay," said Starflight, shocked. "I'm really sorry," said Sunny quietly.

Starflight nodded and took off towards the library, which seemed like the only place he could go, since Meerkat was probably in their dorm room, or with Sunny. Sunny. The girl who had captured both of their hearts. The girl who had chosen Meerkat over him. The girl he couldn't stop thinking about, even drew in his notebook. He let out a sigh. The bell rang for class. Starflight jumped. He didn't even have his book.

He checked his schedule, to find that it wasn't with him. He ran towards his dorm room, only to find Meerkat there. He couldn't care, since he was late for class. His next class was art. He grabbed his art book and stuff and dashed off.

As he entered the art room, a woman was explaining something on the board. "Glad to see that you've decided to join us," she said. "My name is Mrs. Orchid, and your seat is there, next to Miss Sandstorm." 'Sunny,' thought Starflight. He sat down next to her, and Sunny grinned. "Hi," said Sunny. "Hey," replied Starflight, feeling a flurry of emotions overcome him. "Today, you guys will draw the person next to yourselves," explained Mrs. Orchid. "Turn your easels so that you guys are facing each other." she continued, and the students began drawing.

Starflight felt a sense of calm sweep over him as he drew Sunny's smile, the way she tilted her head as she drew, and her lustrous blond hair. When the bell rang, he was surprised that time flew by so fast. When he left the classroom, he felt as if he was no longer in contact with his senses. He walked to his room, and turned on his phone. A message had come. 'Do you want to go to the dance with me? -Fatespeaker'

Who the heck was Fatespeaker? Starflight went through his memories. Oh! Fatespeaker was the girl who kept looking at him during art class! But why would she ask him to the dance, they barely knew each other! He decided to just accept, he didn't have anybody to go with anyway. Besides, Tsunami had told him that her roommate was called Fatespeaker. He didn't want to get on the bad side of Tsunami.

He couldn't remember how he even got through the end of the day. As he did his homework, Meerkat came in. A few minutes later, Sunny knocked on the door. "Is Meerkat inside?" she asked. "Hi, Sun," said Meerkat, opening the door. "You left this on your desk in history," said Sunny, producing a notebook from her bag. "Thanks," said Meerkat sheepishly. "Bye, 'Kat," said Sunny, waving towards Starflight. "Bye, Starflight."

"Bye," said Starflight with a sigh.

1093 words! I'm sorry for the little amount of content, I'll write more next time!

Also I may have made Starflight sound like he has Sunny addiction or something, and I might have added a little Sunkat, but all Sunnyflight and Starspeaker fans, don't worry, the dance will change EVERYTHING. I'm open for ideas, both ship and story. Somewhere along I'll do a game night, so if you have any dare ideas, feel free to comment!


smiley_faxx :T

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