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        {I Would Rather Die...}



By: Summer Gold R.

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Jericho also entered and the first thing he noticed was the cat that snuggled out of Marigold's bag.

"What the heck!!" He screamed and slapped the kitten off as it jumped on him.

"Milky!" Marigold immediately carried her up as it made a painful sound.

"What's that?" Jericho asked with wide eyes.

"It's a cat! A cat! You were so harsh!" Marigold snapped.

"Cat? What was it doing inside your bag?" Jericho asked.

Marigold rolled her eyes.

"It's mine,okay?" She scoffed,rubbing Milly's fur.

"Can you put it back in your bag?" Jericho asked.


"Don't ask me! I hate cats!" Jericho shouted.

"You almost killed her! You should apologize first!" Marigold snapped.

"Apologize? To that thing?" Jericho was shocked.

"She's not a thing,she's a living being" Marigold said.

Jericho scoffed.

"Is she crazy?" He mumbled.

"I heard you and I'm not crazy,I just saved your @ss from your bitch" Marigold said.

Jericho faced her.

"Hey" He called softly.

"What" Marigold frowned.

"Do you know....,no girl ever spoke to me this way?" He asked.

"I'm Marigold,not just a girl" Marigold said.

"Fine,you can go out now. She's gone" Jericho mumbled.

"I'm going nowhere,you taking me home. I am so sure what I did surpassed the ten euros you claimed I owe you,so do your job by taking me home young man" Marigold said.

"My job? Hey,do I look like your boyfriend or something?" Jericho asked.

Marigold scoffed.

"Then,can you just put that thing inside your bag? I can't even breathe....." He was still talking when Milky jumped on his laps again.

"F**k!!!!!" Jericho screamed and grabbed a metal stick to use on her.

"Stop!" Marigold shouted and immediately carried Milky.

"Inside your bag or I'm going to kill it" Jericho said.

"Meow" Milky let out an innocent sound.

"Don't mind him,He's a tiger who eat cats,so stop playing with him" Marigold said.

"If I'm a tiger,then what are you? A cat? Not even a cat but a kitten" Jericho said.

Marigold rolled her eyes and opened her bag wide for Milky to enter which she did.

"Happy now?"

"Where do you live?" Jericho asked,starting the car.

"I've never drove a girl to her house" He muttered.

I'M YOUR DOOM: KITTEN Where stories live. Discover now