𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

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Jimin: This time also failed to bring her.

Jk: It's okay, next time I will pick her up in front of those Kims and they will be left wondering what happened.

Suga: So you thought you'd go pick her up now.

Jk: Yes that's what they want.

Jhope: Be careful, this could also be their plan.

Jk: Don't worry, I have made a great plan, Suga hyung you track those Kims.

Suga: Are you sure??

Jk: So you think that I am saying to you without being sure.

Suga: You'll never get better. I go and do my thing.

Jk: Jimin hyung you catch the person who is spying and getting our guards killed.

Jimin: Just wait till evening.

Jk: And Hoseok hyung, you will go to Kim Yn's university and give me every moment's news of her. After yesterday she could not see the way out.

Jhope: Ok.

Jk: Jimin hyung you have to arrange a car whose owner no one knows.

Jimin: Consider it done.

Jk: I will rarely take your calls after tomorrow, just message me on my secret no. .

Saying this, Jungkook also left from there and everyone started doing their work.
On the other hand
You sat next to your brother who was lecturing for two hours about the thing that has gone too far in the syllabus of your book, it's not time to study it.

Yn: Namjoon Oppa, why do you make me complete all the syllabus first, till now my classmates have not studied even half of this book and you made me complete it.

Rm: We don't know what will happen next, that is why I am keeping you prepared for the challenges to come.

Yn: So can't you teach me anything else??

Rm: This is the one thing you don't want to learn, You can do everything else don't think I'm crazy.

Yn: Hehe, Oppa now I am tired please let me rest for a while.

Rm: First study your book thoroughly, then have dinner and then go.

Yn: Mmmmm Oppa, When will Tae Oppa come?? I have been waiting for him since morning.

Jin: He has come here long time ago and is in his room.

Yn: So why didn't you tell me until now.

Rm: Because then you were not going to study.

Yn: Oppa, I will study this book completely before sleeping. Please, I have to go to Tae Oppa, don't you trust me enough that I will study it later??

Jin: Let her go.

Rm: Okay go, but in the morning I will ask you everything you study.

Yn: I will not dispoint you.

You took the book and went straight to Taehyung's room, where you saw that he was working on the laptop. You held his hand and sat next to him on the couch.

V: What happened, miss me??

Yn: If you go without meeting me, I will definitely miss you.

V: But I have been here for a long time before you came.

Yn: But no one told me.

V: Oh, they did wrong.

Yn: Hmm.

❝𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬❞🔞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now