𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

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There was an awkward silence between the two of you until you reached home. Neither he nor you said anything but when the car stopped in front of your house you said to him.

Yn: J-Jungkookie let's go inside the house.

Jk: N-no it's fine.

Yn: No let's go please.

Jk: Okay.

You both came inside your house, there was a strange silence too, I don't know why then you asked a maid about your brothers and dad, she told that they had gone for a meeting.

Jk: So Yn I leave, anyway there's no one here.

Yn: Hey wait, tell me the time when to go in the evening.

Jk: It's 6pm.

Yn: Ok, Take care, go easy.

Jk: okay bye. *He came to you and give you a kiss on the forehead*

He left from there and you stood there crazy asking yourself,

Yn: should I have asked him to stay??

After applying these questions to yourself, when you did not get any answer, you went to your room.

In the evening time
You and Jungkook were walking hand in hand, it was very peaceful there, you both thought that in this pleasant weather, go for a walk while looking at the stars. But after some time some black cars came and stopped in front of both of you and soon a bullet was fired from one of the car.

Jungkook took you in his arms when the gun went off and when both of you realized that it was not both of you who was shot, Jungkook immediately ran away from there, holding your hand. he hid you in a strange place and said.

Jk: Please stay here for me.

When he started walking away, you stopped him by holding his hand and said

Yn: *teary* Please Jungkook don't go anything can happen to you.

Jk: I'll be fine, don't worry, you just don't move from here.

Yn: Jungkook please.

Jk: I promise you, I will come here in some time to pick you up, now you also promise that you will not go anywhere from here.

Yn: Jungk-

Jk: Promise me.

Yn: I-I promise but

Jungkook left you there and went away. You sat there for a long time and did not go anywhere. Then you heard the sound of many gunshots. Your heart said that you should take a look once.

But then you remembered the promise you had made to Jungkook, you covered your ears with your palms to prevent the sound from being heard and tears started flowing from your eyes.

You were completely scared, you kept your head on your knees. You were just crying because all this was happening to you for the first time. You know your family also does all this but till date they have not allowed you to see such a situation.

Jk: Yn!!

He called you and you looked at him and immediately stood up and hugged him tightly and started shedding tears like pearls from your eyes on his chest.

Jk: Yn, everything is fine, look at me.

You looked at him with your red eyes while sobbing.

Jk: You're looking cute. *you hit his chest with your small fist*

Yn: You don't know I was very scared.

Jk: Sorry, let's go home.

You both came to Jungkook's house and then he took you to his room and sat you comfortably on the bed and made you drink water.

Yn: Jungkook what was all that??

Jk: Is it necessary to tell??

Yn: Yes, I need to know.

Jk: they all came to attack me.

Yn: What??

Jk: Look, I'm a Mafia, Not a small one, I have not come here to do that work, all that is fine in Thailand only. I'll never let anything happen to you. I wanted to tell you this earlier, but...

Yn: but you didn't tell?

Jk: Because I thought you would be scared of me.

Yn: You said it right, I'm scared of you.

Jk: Yn, please, don't say it.

Yn: I am going to my home.

You got up from there and started walking. Jungkook held your hand and pulled you towards him.

Jk: I won't let anything happen to you, this is my promise, but please don't leave me with such anger.

Yn: Jungkook, leave me.

Jk: No.

Yn: Jungkook.

Jk: Yn, I love you. *you stood silent looking at him*

Jk: Stay with me please Yn I love you so much.

Yn: I-i'll talk to you later, bye.

You freed yourself from him and went away while he followed you but you did not stop there and after some time you reached your home. As soon as you reached home, you went to Taehyung's room and found him there.

He stood up as soon as he saw you because you were crying. You gave him a tight hug.

V: Yn, what happened??

Yn: O-oppa today some people opened f-fired on Jungkook and h-he hid me, I was very s-scared.

V: What, nothing happened to you and nothing happened to Jungkook, right?

Yn: Nothing happened but I was very scared and I didn't like it.

V: Don't be afraid, go rest in your room, you will feel better. I am here for you. *You nodded and left from there*

V: I need to talk to jungkook.


Jk: Hello hyung, have Yn come home??

V: First tell me why she is so scared??

Jk: That James attacked again today when Yn was with me and she was very scared of those things.

V: Whatever you do, I know you will not let anything happen to Yn but please this should not happen again in front of her. We have kept her away from these things. she feels scared she was very nervous.

Jk: I will take care of all these things from now on but can you please take a look at Yn and get me to talk to her, she is not picking up my calls and is not even replying to my messages.

V: Okay, She will call you in some time, I will go to her right now.

Jk: Okay hyung.

OTP ended.

Taehyung came into your room and found you sitting on the bed, lost in thought. He came and sat near you and said.

V: Yn, What happened? Are you sad about something??

Yn: Oppa, If something happens to Jungkook today??

V: It hasn't happened but it could happen.

Yn: How??

V: if you don't talk to him, He's dying, dying to talk to you. why don't you talk to him.

Yn: I'm angry at him I won't.

V: How long will you remain angry? If not today then tomorrow you have to talk. Do it and he will get peace.

Yn: why can't he??

V: Check your phone where is it??

Yn: In my bag. *You brought your phone from your bag*

V: See now.

Yn: *You open your phone and see notifications of many messages and calls.* OMO, Since when was he calling?

V: since you came here from him.

❝𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬❞🔞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now