𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑

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Yn: I made those p-pancakes for you.

Jk: And you have come here to give it to me?? *You nodded*

He moved away from you and then said

Jk: Take a sit.

You came comfortably and sat on his bed while he was standing there looking at you. You handed him the bag containing pancakes. He took it and left the room. You then took a sigh of relief and said to yourself.

Yn: What was this a while ago, my heart would have jumped out of my chest and run away.

You sat at the same place for a while when Jungkook came into the room, carrying a tray in his hand which contained the pancakes you had made and juice. He placed them on the table .

Jk: Come here and sit. *He said while sitting on the couch and patting his side.*

You got up from your place and sat next to him while he gave you a smile and then took a spoon and took a bite of the pancake. You were just looking at him, curious to know how he liked it.

Yn: How it is??

Jk: Excellent.

Yn: You like it.

Jk: It is very delicious, You made it??

Yn: Hmm

Jk: You know how to cook??

Yn: Yeah, Jin Oppa taught me.

Jk: *Suddenly his eyes fell on your burnt hand and he immediately took your hand in his and said after seeing that wound.* WTF is this??

Yn: It's jus⏤

Jk: You burned your hand to make this thing for me, Are you crazy, I didn't need this thing.

Yn: Jungkook, it's okay.

Jk: Why do you feel it's okay, wait, I have just come.

He got up from there and went to the drawer, took a first aid box from there and came back and sat near you, took out the ointment from that box and applied ointment on your hand.

Jk: Sorry for yelling at you, But please, if you consider me something like yours, then don't do all this for me because you might get hurt.

Yn: *You turned his face towards you to look into his eyes and held his face in your palms and said* Why are you saying that, it was just a small injury.

Jk: It will be for you but even your slightest scratch is no less than a big wound for me.

Yn: Jungkook, sorry, I will definitely not do anything like this from now on.

Jk: Hmm, you have to, ok let's finish your juice now.

Yn: And you your pancakes.

After some time, You and Jungkook sat on the bed, he was busy with his work and you were busy looking at him.

Yn: Jungkookie

Jk: Hmm.

Yn: When I came here, I met a lady, she was talking very lovingly, who is she??

Jk: Well, you met my mom here before me.

Yn: Your mom??

Jk: Yeah, she is my mom.

Yn: But I've never heard of her before.

Jk: The thing is that my parents have been living separately for many years and neither are they involved in each other's work nor are they divorced, they just live apart because of their different businesses. But both of them do not forget to give me their respective share of love, yes I was not with them since childhood but they used to give me their time.

Yn: Oh.

Jk: Yn, will you go somewhere with me this evening.

Yn: Why not, Jungkookie, I have something to tell you too.

Jk: What??

Yn: *You took his laptop from his lap, placed it somewhere and sat in front of him and said* I like you, no, no.

Jk: What??

Yn: *You closed your eyes tightly and said* I love you.

Jk: What??

Yn: What, what-what, huh?? Now say something, don't embarrass me on my own words.

Jk: I-I...

Yn: Jungkook, I'm leaving, keep thinking about what to say.

You got up from the bed and started walking towards the door, but before you could open the door, Jungkook pinned you to the wall and pressed his lips on yours.

You didn't answer him for a while but then you reached out your hands to him and hugged him and kissed him back. Both of you were completely engrossed in the kiss, there was no way to stop but had to stop, because of the knock on the door.

You both took your breaths properly so that no one would notice and then Jungkook opened the door to find his mom standing there.

Jk: Mom, How come you entered at the wrong time??

Mrs Jeon: What's the wrong time? Go away, I have to meet my daughter-in-law.

Jungkook's mom pushed him out of the way and came inside and saw you standing right behind Jungkook, she came to you and held your hand and made you sit on the bed and said to Jungkook.

Mrs Jeon: Why did you keep my daughter-in-law standing like this??

Jk: I didn't, she was just about to leave.

Mrs Jeon: And you were letting her go so soon??

Jk: No, That's why I stood up to stop her.

Yn: Aunty, Please don't scold Jungkook. I was the one who insisted on going home when he stopped me because I had to finish my assignment.

Mrs Jeon: Today I will let you go but next time you will have to stay here.

Yn: Thank you Aunty.

Mrs Jeon: Why so, And what happened to your lips? Why has it become swollen?

Yn suddenly put her hand on her lips and then looked at Jungkook. Jungkook immediately looked away. And Mrs. Jeon noticed this.

Mrs Jeon: Hmm I understand, but Jungkook take it easy, Come on, drop my daughter-in-law home safely.

Yn: Aunty, thanks but, there is no need for this, my driver is standing outside.

Mrs Jeon: Jungkook, you will drop Yn and tell her driver to leave.

Yn: Aunty why are you getting worried??

Mrs Jeon: Can't you accept something like this from me??

Jk: Mom, why are you forcing her? Maybe she doesn't want to go with me.

Yn: I want, I will go with you.

Mrs Jeon: Okay, Jungkook go and drop Yn to her house.

Jk: Hmm, let's go.

Jungkook left from there and you followed him. You both reached where the cars were parked. Jungkook asked your driver to leave and let you sit in his car.

❝𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬❞🔞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now