𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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Your pov
I fell asleep sitting there but when I woke up I thought that I have to leave this place somehow, even if I get lost in the forest, I have to get out of his house.

I got up and came out of that room, luckily it was not locked from outside, I walked down the stairs slowly. I looked all over the place and there was a lot of peace, I could not see his glimpse from anywhere, then I saw an opportunity and then I moved my steps towards the main door.

I opened it slowly and came out. Believe it or not, that place was very scary. There were so many tall trees, which were spreading darkness there and his house which was decorated with black things everywhere. It was giving a ghostly feeling.

I took my steps forward and walked towards the only path that was visible. I kept walking on it. I couldn't see anything but my feet were moving. I saw a light from a place and I ran there. When I reached there I was shocked.

Jk: Hmm, baby, enjoyed the tour, did you see anything special??

I came and stopped at the same place from where I had started moving and saw him sitting on a couch in front of his house's parlor, drinking beer.

Jk: Want to run away from here??

Yn: Yes, what kind of shit would want to be with a person like you??

Jk: But you will have to become that shit because from now on you are going to stay here, there is no chance of escaping because this forest is mine and only I know the paths here.

Yn: First tell me the purpose of bringing me here.

Jk: I want to enjoy your body for a few days, I want have some nights with you, only when I feel satisfied, I will send you back.

Yn: JEON JUNGKOOK, you are crossing your limits.

Jk: I haven't done as much as you guys have done.

Yn: No matter what you do, I won't let you touch me, got it??

I got furious and again went inside his house and went into the same room and locked it from inside so that he could not come and even if he tried to touch me, my fighting skills were enough to save me from his dirty touch.

While standing in that room, my eyes went to the balcony, where a flower vine was hanging, there were so many beautiful flowers on it and from above their sweet fragrance spread over my mind.

I took my steps and went further to look and saw that the entire balcony was decorated with those roses, the sunset was also visible from there, I found that place to be the most peaceful, I went there and sat on the couch

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I took my steps and went further to look and saw that the entire balcony was decorated with those roses, the sunset was also visible from there, I found that place to be the most peaceful, I went there and sat on the couch. And started enjoying the fragrance of flowers and the setting sun.

For a short while, I lost that feeling when there was a knock at the gate from outside, I did not want to go, but when he started banging the door hard, I had to open it.

Yn: WHAT??? *I asked as soon as I opened the door but he was not there, some girl was standing there.*

Girl: Mam, I am a maid here. I have come to call you down to eat.

Yn: Go tell your master I don't want his food.

Maid: Mam, Sir has said that if you do not come yourself then he will take you, and mam, sir has asked to inform that he knows how to open the door from outside also.

Yn: Huh?? What the fuck??

Maid: Mam, please come.

I didn't say anything and took my steps back into the room, closed the door and went and sat in the balcony.
After some time there was a knock on the door again but I did not go but the door opened and I saw that he angrily moved towards me and he picked me up and took me downstairs where the dining table was.

Yn: Hey, how dare you touch me, you have no right.

Jk: But first you gave me when I didn't love you.

Yn: I have to go back to the room.

Jk: If you don't sit here and eat peacefully, then see what will I do with you, you won't know, do you want me to touch you. If not then do what I said.

I felt like punching him on the face, but I controlled myself and sat down to eat, taking a seat in front of him. The maid served the food.

Then this question arose in my mind that I have not seen this maid here before, so it means that she has just came, I can ask her for the way out. I finished my food quickly and went to the maid in the kitchen to keep the plate.

Yn: Hey! *I called her*

Maid: Yes, mam??

Yn: I wanted to ask you something.

Maid: Mam, we are not allowed to talk to you so please go.

Yn: But listen, I really need your help.

Maid: No, mam I can't.

I came from there with my face hanging and saw him standing. I ignored him and started walking from there but without doing anything he was not going to let me go so easily.

Jk: Oh, it was wrong, the maid did not give the way to go out.

I glared at him but he continued speaking without stopping.

Jk: What will happen now?? Your oppa will be worried. Sorry but not sorry for speaking this, but I don't care at all.

Yn: *glaring*

Jk: Baby, I just want a good night's rest with you.

When he took his dirty talk to this extent, I went to him to vent out my anger and raised my hand to punch him but someone caught hold of my hand and twisted it and it was none other than that maid.

Maid: I'm sorry mam but this is my job.

Jk: Hmm, you do your work.

My anger increased even more, I moved my steps towards the maid and showed her that I was going to hit her leg but I hit her head and she fell down.

Jk: Oops!!!! Nice move.

I started moving towards him because I wanted to hit him and not this maid. I took a few steps but before reaching him, the maid kicked me on my back and I fell on Jungkook, collided with his chest.

Jk: For this I will increase your salary, go now.

Before I could move away from him, he tied my hands behind me with one hand and put the other hand behind my head. And suddenly he pressed my head from behind so that my lips touched his.

I was in shock at first but then I tried to free myself but failed, my struggle was not making any difference to him, he just kept moving his lips on mine. Actually eating my lips.

He let go of my hands and then I tired to push him with all my might, but that only made him move back, which made him more angry. He picked me up in his arms and walked upstairs. I kept trying to free myself from him but he was stronger than me.

❝𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬❞🔞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐Where stories live. Discover now